26 Mar, 2025
5 mins read

A study by NASA slams Elon Musk’ idea to terraform the red planet

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, told late night host Stephen Colbert about how he thinks and hopes that thermonuclear explosions could be used to jumpstart the Martian atmosphere that would further support life. The said process is called terraforming and it is not something new for science fictions readers and moviegoers as there are […]

2 mins read

Oumuamua is not an asteroid, researchers reclassify it as a comet

Last year, a first of its kind interstellar object was captured by Pan-STARRS1 telescope on Haleakala. This was a tricky object to classify as it didn’t have any emission or there was no dusty environment to classify it as a comet and thus, after a considerate time and spent by numerous researchers this first-of-its-kind interstellar […]

4 mins read

ISRO’ Chandrayaan-II mission to study trillion dollars nuclear energy material on the lunar surface

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up its second moon mission ‘Chandrayaan-II’ which is slated to launch in October this year. But wait, the rover will land on the south side of the moon, the far side of the moon which is yet not analyzed. The aim is to land at the south side […]

2 mins read

The coldest place on the Earth is more colder than ever!

What’s the coldest place on the Earth? It’s Antarctica without any doubt but a recent study published in the Geological Research Letters confirms that Antarctica is even colder than earlier thought. A plethora of studies have been concluded towards the bone-chilling temperature on Antarctica but a recent study suggests that a region near the South […]

3 mins read

NASA and ESA to practice defensive plan against asteroids by 2022

Our solar system is filled with millions of asteroids of which, many are hurtling around the Earth and as classified as near-Earth object or NEO. If any giant asteroid collides with the Earth during its orbit, it will create mass destruction since a giant asteroid was responsible to wipe out all the dinosaurs millions of […]

2 mins read

JAXA Hayabusa 2 captures tantalizing photos of Ryugu from a distance of just 40 km

Japan Space Agency (JAXA) Hayabusa 2 spacecraft is closer to its target asteroid Ryugu then ever. In the latest photos sent by the spacecraft on June 24, 2018, it reached a distance of just 25 miles from the surface of the asteroid that has revealed a lot of geographical features and details about the asteroid. […]

3 mins read

Researchers set record of finding 80 potential exoplanets in just two weeks

Researchers at MIT recently found out 80 potential planetary candidates in its new study based on the data gathered by the K2 mission. The data sent by NASA’ K2 mission is of two observing campaigns known as C16 and C17 which recorded more than 50,000 neighboring stars in order to find out planets revolving around […]

2 mins read

Researchers confirm Einstein’s theory of relativity yet again

Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity has yet proven its credibility in the latest study by a group of scientists which is published in the journal Science. Researchers used the data gathered by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and used the data collected by the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope and were able to find out […]

2 mins read

Next SpaceX mission to the ISS scheduled to launch on Friday, June 29

Elon Musk’s SpaceX is gearing up for the upcoming Friday launch towards the International Space Station where its Falcon 9 rocket will take tons of cargo onboard its Dragon capsule towards the space station. The launch is scheduled on upcoming Friday, June 29 at 5.42 a.m. liftoff and the capsule will finally reach the station […]