26 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

More than half of Sunlike Stars in the Milky Way may have a Habitual Planet

A new study suggests that the Milky Way exists with potential planets, which are almost Earth-like. Since there are billions of stars (sun-like) in the Milky Way galaxy, the research suggests that half of these stars can host life on them. These means that they are probable habitual zones. Average numbers state that each sunlike […]

3 mins read

Researchers set record of finding 80 potential exoplanets in just two weeks

Researchers at MIT recently found out 80 potential planetary candidates in its new study based on the data gathered by the K2 mission. The data sent by NASA’ K2 mission is of two observing campaigns known as C16 and C17 which recorded more than 50,000 neighboring stars in order to find out planets revolving around […]

2 mins read

Researchers confirm Einstein’s theory of relativity yet again

Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity has yet proven its credibility in the latest study by a group of scientists which is published in the journal Science. Researchers used the data gathered by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and used the data collected by the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope and were able to find out […]

2 mins read

43,000 Light-Years-Long Bridge Hitch on Two Largest Satellite Galaxies of Milky Way

The Magellanic Clouds – two irregular dwarf and largest galaxies of Earth’s local galaxy Milky Way are hooked up by 43,000 light years long bridge, reported the new study conducted by a group of scientists from the University Of Cambridge, England. The discovery of the celestial bridge sandwiched between two largest galaxies of Milky Way […]

2 mins read

NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory Detects Mysterious X-rays Coming from Milky Way

Scientists of NASA are inching closer to the complete breakthrough of the most puzzling factor of the universe – Dark Matter. NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory, which is designed to identify the emissions of X-rays from Universe’s scorching provinces, has recently detected mysterious X-rays are coming from earth’s local galaxy – Milky Way. Now the scientists […]

2 mins read

Japanese Researchers Detect New Way to Distinguish “Quiet Black Hole” Lurking in Milky Way

While researching on a molecular cloud with inscrutable motion, a team of Chinese researchers has stumbled on the presence of drift black hole lurking in earth’s local galaxy – Milky Way. Most black holes can easily be noticed due to the gas circling them. If a black hole existed close to a star, then it […]

3 mins read

A Supermassive Extragalactic Void Called “Dipole Repeller” Is Thrusting Milky Way

Our local galaxy – the Milky Way is not only being pulled but also being driven by a supermassive Extragalactic Void called “Dipole Repeller”, informed a team of astronomers in their new journal. The research, led by the scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, highlighted that a vast void, located outside of our extragalactic […]

2 mins read

Enormous Spitballs Are Being Fired from Milkyway’s Black Hole, Which Can Cuts Stars into 100 Million Jupiter

Black holes, their existence, and their configuration have always been a great source of an enigma for worldwide astronomers and to boost up this mystery more, scientists have discovered a new theory that can revolutionize the existing theories related to black holes. As per the astronomers, the core of every galaxy has a supermassive black […]

2 mins read

NASA set out two new missions ‘Lucy and Psyche’ to study history of Solar System

The US-based space agency NASA has set out two new space missions for studying the golden era of the solar system which is yet to be fully discovered. As per the announcement by NASA on Wednesday, the agency has started working on two unnamed solar missions which are intended to explore the hidden secrets of […]