A Supermassive Extragalactic Void Called “Dipole Repeller” Is Thrusting Milky Way
Our local galaxy – the Milky Way is not only being pulled but also being driven by a supermassive Extragalactic Void called “Dipole Repeller”, informed a team of astronomers in their new journal. The research, led by the scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, highlighted that a vast void, located outside of our extragalactic neighborhood is pushing the Milky Way Galaxy. The findings, published in the science journal ‘Nature Astronomy’, also explain about a never-before-known, supermassive void province which is constantly driving earth’s local galaxy. The zone is located in our extragalactic area that is exerting a fending off force on earth’s local group of galaxies.
The research, led by Professor Yehuda Hoffman of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and his colleagues has described the vast Extragalactic void to be “dipole repeller” and said to drive back Milky Way away from it. Earlier, scientists believed that a big, high-mass bunch of galaxies known as the Shapley Concentration tows our local cluster of galaxies toward it. But the new evidence has come up with a new view which claimed that the low-density void is also accountable for changing positions of galaxies. While a high-density pulls the Milky Way towards it, the low-density void is forcing the local galaxies away from itself.
The authors, in their new paper, theorized these two points to be the pivotal features that are backing the shifting galaxies. Both points are controlling the movement of the Local Group of galaxies of earth, and hence the researchers have named it as “dipolar.” The paper is published on 30th January. The scientists fell back on the Hubble Telescope alongside some other high-end tools to detect the 3D map of Milky Way. The researchers, using the Hubble Telescope, created the 3-D models that diagramed the flow of substance from constituencies of low to high density. Through this research, the Hebrew team also confirmed that galaxies were indeed hovering away from the dipole repeller void and moving toward the Shapley Concentration due to its high-density magnetic force.
The Milky Way galaxy is currently moving towards space at an approximate pace of 2 million km/h (1.2 million mph). It is the part of a space voyage of Milky Way towards a gravitational incongruity called ‘Great Attractor’, which is sequentially being pulled towards an even larger configuration, called the Shapley Supercluster. However, it is only one side of the coin and another side of the story is an extragalactic void, called the Dipole Repeller, which is pushing the Milky Way away.
According to Prof. Yehuda Hoffman, the lead researcher of the study, “By creating 3-D mapping of Galaxies’ flow through space, we discovered that our Milky Way galaxy is being pushed by a vast Extragalactic Void and hence speeding away from the large, never-before-seen regions of low density. As it is repelling the Milky Ways, rather than attracting, we have named the region as Dipole Repeller,”