26 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

Researchers set record of finding 80 potential exoplanets in just two weeks

Researchers at MIT recently found out 80 potential planetary candidates in its new study based on the data gathered by the K2 mission. The data sent by NASA’ K2 mission is of two observing campaigns known as C16 and C17 which recorded more than 50,000 neighboring stars in order to find out planets revolving around […]

3 mins read

Earth like exoplanet detected near the position of Earth

After years of research, scientists have found out an Earth-like Exoplanet is situated at a distance of 39 light years away. After more research, it was concluded that the exoplanet has an atmosphere which is similar to Earth. Is this a positive signal for the scientists? A group of stargazers claimed that they’ve found out […]

2 mins read

Earth 2.0: Does TRAPPIST-1 host another “Earth”

Here’s the biggest discovery of the century – a dim star system, consisting of seven Earth-sized planets, called “TRAPPIST-1”. In the most recent celestial breakthrough, scientists have stumbled upon seven tightly-packed Earth-sized planets, orbiting around a muted star called TRAPPIST-1. The number of planets and the intensity of radiation the planets are receiving from their […]

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Scientists Discover “Hot Super-Earth Gliese 411b” Which May Hold Alien Life

Astronomers are inching closer to the discovery of another Earth-like planet which may have the habitable atmosphere. In a celestial extravaganza, a team of international astronomers has discovered more than 100 exoplanets including a “Super-Earth” which is projected to host alien life. Named as ‘Gliese 411b’, the new exoplanet is somehow similar to earth, with […]

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Astronomers Using Radial Velocity Method Detect Over 100 New Potential Exoplanets

Scientists have released the data of a two-decade-long planet hunting program for public access, which suggest the presence of new unidentified 114 potential exoplanets in Space. By drawing upon the most successful technique for detecting alien life, astronomers have discovered more than 100 potential planets in space. During a vital exoplanet-observation mission, a team of […]

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Don’t Just Get Enlivened about Proxima B’s Habitable Zone; It Is Obstructive to Life, NASA Confirms

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has advised space enthusiasts not to be so excited regarding the habitable zone of the newly discovered Earth-sized planet “Proxima b’ because the planet is less likely supportive of life. NASA, in its recently published statement, has confirmed that, despite having an inhabitable zone, Proxima b isn’t favorable […]

2 mins read

Scientists Are Hunting For Extraterrestrial Life on Habitable Wolf 1061c

In a breakthrough to search potential inhabitable real estate beyond the edge of the earth, Scientists are focusing on a nearby star, called Wolf 1061; located 14 light-years from Earth. In an attempt to find whether one of its three exoplanets could harbor alien life or not, a team of scientists at San Francisco State […]