04 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

Global Telescope Market Boost Growth, Demand by 2026 | Celestron, Meade, Vixen Optics, TAKAHASHI, ASTRO-PHYSICS

The Global Telescope Market report covers market status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The report additionally provides summary, key facts & figures, SWOT analysis and chief executive quotes on the latest developments in Telescope industry provide a substantial introduction. The study provides valued information on key competition trends and the most preferred developmental […]

3 mins read

Possibility of life on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

NASA’s project, Cassini Telescope is solely dedicated to fid out happenings of Saturn and its Moons. Recently, Cassini is totally engrossed in finding more about Saturn’s sixth largest Moon Enceladus. Enceladus is the icy Moon of Saturn. In a new research, it has been observed that the cracks from the icy shells are illuminating vapours which […]

3 mins read

Warm Neptune forms watery structures, indicating exoplanet formation

The distant planet warm Neptune is observed to form a distant exoplanet which is situated 437 light years away from the planet and is capable of shredding lights to the stars in different ways. Often called as HAP-P-26b or warm Neptune by the astronomers is observed to contain a primitive environment with remains of hydrogen […]

2 mins read

Stephen Hawking’s shocking prediction on Earth’s lifeline

Over the years a lot has been said and heard about the history of the evolution fo Earth, how it started affording an environment for human life, how civilisations started and modernisation happened and when is Earth going to end. Remember all those predictions of 2012 when Earth was supposed to burst out due to […]

3 mins read

NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover studies Mars’ dark liner dunes

NASA’s Mars curiosity Rover was studying the dark liner sand dunes on Mars surface for over 16 weeks. Finally, with some evidence in hand, the curiosity Rover have sent some extraordinary photos of these Sand dunes to NASa’s headquarters. Let’s see what scientists have to say about this. Initially, NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover was constructed […]

3 mins read

Cassini detected Earth’s presence from Saturn’s ring

Recently, in a photo sent by Cassini Telescope to NASA, it became very evident that Earth seems like a bright speck from within the Saturn’s Rings. Earth appeared as a small point like a ball from such distance. Cassini Telescope was 870 million miles or 1.4 billion kilometres from Planet Earth on the night of […]

3 mins read

New discoveries of Jupiter’s Moon Europa can bring live

  Once again a giant water plumb is detected on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa what can be again presumed as evidence to find traces of life on Jupiter. In February 2017, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope detected giant water plumb as high as 64 miles on the surface of Europa. Last day, NASA disclosed their new […]

1 min read

New galaxy found by Hubble space telescope

Recently, Hubble space telescope has found out some traces of a new galaxy which is only 400 million light-years away from Earth. Scientists named this massive galaxy as UGC-12591. Hubble space telescope captured an image which reveals this fact. The telescope has already sent this image to NASA’s space centre and scientists are trying to […]