26 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

Dark energy could be the key to multiverse and existence of alien life

Two related research papers published by a group of scientists at the Durham University has questioned the mysterious dark energy and the potential existence of alien life in other universes or multiverse. Earlier theories have claimed that our universe has a perfect amount of dark energy i.e. mysterious form of force. The dark energy is […]

2 mins read

Humans are not from Earth, claims scientists

In a shocking claim made by several scientists, they cannot actually rule out the Panspermia hypothesis which was a theory proposed by British chemist Leslie Orgel and Physicist Professor Francis Crick. According to a buzz that has gained popularity recently, there are few scientists who believe that the human species didn’t originate on Earth and […]

2 mins read

Research finds ingredients on meteorites that confirms the possibility of alien life in space

In an in-depth study of meteorites that befell on Earth in 1998 to determine the presence of water and mix of organic compounds such as hydrocarbons and amino acids. Scientists were looking for these organic compounds which make an essential part of life on Earth. These two meteorites dropped on two different places after revolving […]

2 mins read

Alien Spacecraft? Triangular UFO spotted in Google Earth and Google Maps

The hunt for alien life has been continuing for years, and those included in these campaigns have various times come close enough to provide proof justifying it. As far as 2017 was concerned, it has been quite eventful regarding UFO spotting. Current reports of a UFO spotted in both Google Maps, and Google Earth had […]

3 mins read

Possibility of life on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

NASA’s project, Cassini Telescope is solely dedicated to fid out happenings of Saturn and its Moons. Recently, Cassini is totally engrossed in finding more about Saturn’s sixth largest Moon Enceladus. Enceladus is the icy Moon of Saturn. In a new research, it has been observed that the cracks from the icy shells are illuminating vapours which […]

3 mins read

Harvard says: Aliens to send mysterious signals to humans

The strange message received on Earth by some space satellites may be some mysterious messages send by the aliens to the humans. Harvard is actively sticking to this opinion. One of the Harvard scientist claims that the mysterious fast radio bursts may be evidence of advanced alien technology. These signals might be some mysterious leakage […]

2 mins read

Earth 2.0: Does TRAPPIST-1 host another “Earth”

Here’s the biggest discovery of the century – a dim star system, consisting of seven Earth-sized planets, called “TRAPPIST-1”. In the most recent celestial breakthrough, scientists have stumbled upon seven tightly-packed Earth-sized planets, orbiting around a muted star called TRAPPIST-1. The number of planets and the intensity of radiation the planets are receiving from their […]

2 mins read

Scientists Discover “Hot Super-Earth Gliese 411b” Which May Hold Alien Life

Astronomers are inching closer to the discovery of another Earth-like planet which may have the habitable atmosphere. In a celestial extravaganza, a team of international astronomers has discovered more than 100 exoplanets including a “Super-Earth” which is projected to host alien life. Named as ‘Gliese 411b’, the new exoplanet is somehow similar to earth, with […]