28 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

Dark energy could be the key to multiverse and existence of alien life

Two related research papers published by a group of scientists at the Durham University has questioned the mysterious dark energy and the potential existence of alien life in other universes or multiverse. Earlier theories have claimed that our universe has a perfect amount of dark energy i.e. mysterious form of force. The dark energy is […]

3 mins read

Aliens exist? Aliens hunters find Triangular UFO speeding through lightning bolt (Video+)

Are alone in this universe? It is a never-ending debate, but some conspiracy theorists very strictly believe that aliens do exist and constantly visit us to monitor our activities. Some alien seekers have come up with evidence of extraterrestrial life to show that we are not alone in this universe and aliens do exist. In a […]

2 mins read

Humans are not from Earth, claims scientists

In a shocking claim made by several scientists, they cannot actually rule out the Panspermia hypothesis which was a theory proposed by British chemist Leslie Orgel and Physicist Professor Francis Crick. According to a buzz that has gained popularity recently, there are few scientists who believe that the human species didn’t originate on Earth and […]

4 mins read

Alien hunters spot UFO flying over Lunar surface, Watch Video

A UK citizen from the city of Bristol is claiming that he saw many different sized unidentified object flying behind the moon. The 35-year-old-man, who has opted to keep his name hidden, said that he saw a UFO-like big object accompanied by small unidentified objects hurtling on the moon background. Along with him many other […]

4 mins read

How aliens would look like and when will we meet them, reveals Physicist Michio Kaku

Many people here on Earth are fascinated by aliens. Although the scientists have not been able to trace any extraterrestrial life yet, the search for the same has been intensified. Recently, theoretical physicist and Michio Kaku revealed some interesting facts about aliens in his new book “The Future of Humanity. In the book, Kaku wrote […]

2 mins read

Michio Kaku reveals the important features the aliens would have when they contact humans

Many people here on Earth are fascinated by aliens. Although the scientists have not been able to trace any extraterrestrial life yet, the search for the same has been intensified. Recently, theoretical physicist and Michio Kaku revealed some interesting facts about aliens in his new book “The Future of Humanity. In the book, Kaku wrote […]

2 mins read

Aliens might have visited us on the eve of ‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ event (Video+)

The 31st January night was a spectacular sight for sky gazers, but for some, it was more than just a spectacular sight. The live feed of the ‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ came in with a mysterious object zooming past the moon as people looked at the beautiful coppery glow of the moon. Conspiracy theorists suggested […]

3 mins read

Aliens exist? People stunned as fireball UFO appears in Peru’s sky (Video+)

[mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#e8e8e8″ txt_color=”#0a0a0a”]Local residents of Peru recorded the UFO sighting on their phone and uploaded it to Youtube. The video soon became viral on social media and received thousands of views and shares.[/mks_pullquote] In a new alleged UFO sighting, people have spotted a mysterious fireball crashing through the skies of Peru. Stunned […]

2 mins read

Aliens exist? People scared as mysterious bright object appears in night sky of Colombia

After a series of alleged UFO sightings and appearance of mysterious objects in the year 2017 and on New year, the trend is still in the air as people have once again come up with a claim of alien sighting in the night sky of Colombia. Local residents got scared after seeing the mysterious bright object […]