28 Mar, 2025
12 mins read

Why matter exist? Why antimatter exist? Universe should not exist, scientists reveal

Before Stephen Hawking died on March 14, he stated that the universe came into existence from ‘nothing’. Questions related to how the universe came into existence? Why matter exist? Why antimatter exist? And others have been the basic principles of metaphysics. With advancement in technology and scientific equipment, researchers have started applying scientific methods to […]

3 mins read

Erectile Dysfunction? Viagra comes to your rescue even 20 after years after its inception

Erectile dysfunctioning and impotency can ruin a man’s life, his marriage and can take away his respect. Pills like Viagra has been a blessing in disguise as it has proven to be lifesaver for some of the men. These pills increase the inflow of blood towards penis which helps men in gaining an unprecedented erection and perform better […]

2 mins read

The world’ largest underwater cave packs many treasures and sacred places of Mayan civilization

A month ago, researchers discovered the world’s largest underwater cave in Mexico. The name of the cave is Sac Actun and it spreads to almost 347 kilometers (216 miles). Recently, a research team led by underwater archaeologist Guillermo de Anda of Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History revealed that the giant underwater cave is […]

3 mins read

10-year-old kid discovers 90 million year old rare ‘Lizard fish’ fossil by chance

The Cretaceous period was predominantly ruled by dinosaurs as the largest mammals, but many lesser-known species also thrived in the ancient waters, and one of them was the ‘Lizard Fish.’ A recent discovery of the fossils by a young lad has helped scientists study this 90-Million-old fish which were never located before in the territory […]

3 mins read

Aliens exist? People stunned as fireball UFO appears in Peru’s sky (Video+)

[mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#e8e8e8″ txt_color=”#0a0a0a”]Local residents of Peru recorded the UFO sighting on their phone and uploaded it to Youtube. The video soon became viral on social media and received thousands of views and shares.[/mks_pullquote] In a new alleged UFO sighting, people have spotted a mysterious fireball crashing through the skies of Peru. Stunned […]