NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory Detects Mysterious X-rays Coming from Milky Way
Scientists of NASA are inching closer to the complete breakthrough of the most puzzling factor of the universe – Dark Matter. NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory, which is designed to identify the emissions of X-rays from Universe’s scorching provinces, has recently detected mysterious X-rays are coming from earth’s local galaxy – Milky Way. Now the scientists believe that this finding may pave the paths for the exploration of Dark Matter, which is an unanswered secrecy of the cosmos.
NASA’s sophisticated and most high-end satellite – Chandra X-Ray Observatory satellite, which is orbiting the earth since 1999, has recently spotted a mystifying and idiosyncratic signal, coming from the Milky Way galaxy. After coming across these mysterious signals, the lead scientists of NASA now claim that this may draw attention to the existence of ‘dark matter’ and also may help scientists to get proof for the same.
After stumbling upon the detected mysterious signals, a team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Yale Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics in the US has analyzed the energy range of X-rays, in order to explore more facts about this unexplained phenomenon. While analyzing, the researchers found that Earth’s local galaxy Milky Way is emitting some puzzling signals which are believed to be X-ray photons combined with an unknown force.
As recorded by the satellite, the extra X-ray photons are being produced with the high energy of about 3,500 electron volts. Now the scientists believe that Dark Matter is emitting the mysterious force. This is the first time that scientists have stumbled upon such high-intensity x-ray photons, and hence they thought these X-ray Photons to be produced by the Dark Matter. To recall, earlier scientists have detected the high-range x-ray photos, but they were irresolute if the smooth spectrum created by the photons were just an active relic or not.
In 2014, Esra Bulbul from the Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research at the MIT was the very first scientist who detected the uncharacteristic bump of X-rays at 3.5 keV. While analyzing the X-ray continuums of a vast number of galaxy clusters in 2014, he stumbled upon the mysterious signals.
According to Kevork Abazajian, from the University of California, Irvine, approximately 80% mass of the earth is configured with dark matter. However, up to now, scientists were unable to discover any reliable confirmation regarding the existence of Dark Matter. However, the discovery might pave new paths for the exploration of Dark Matter.