10 Mar, 2025
3 mins read

NASA and ESA to practice defensive plan against asteroids by 2022

Our solar system is filled with millions of asteroids of which, many are hurtling around the Earth and as classified as near-Earth object or NEO. If any giant asteroid collides with the Earth during its orbit, it will create mass destruction since a giant asteroid was responsible to wipe out all the dinosaurs millions of […]

2 mins read

RemoveDEBRIS spacecrafts deploys from ISS towards its space junk clean-up mission

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 – marks the day when RemoveDEBRIS spacecraft was launched from the ISS en route to its mission to understand and study the increasing debris orbiting the Earth. Cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev was able to capture the Star-Trek’s borg-shaped spacecraft orbiting the Earth after it was deployed from the ISS. RemoveDEBRIS, produced by […]

4 mins read

Here are few Russian space traditions that every cosmonaut must follow

Russia has its own customs and traditions to follow before, during, and after every spaceflight launch which has become integral ever since it was started by Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space back in 1961 before his first launch. There are many activities that Russian cosmonauts and astronauts from other space agencies do in […]

2 mins read

Today, three astronauts will return from the ISS

At Early Sunday on June 03, three astronauts who have spent almost five and a half month on the International Space Station (ISS) will finally head towards the Earth. The boarding procedure will start at 1:30 a.m. EDT (0530GMT) on the Soyuz spacecraft. Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov, JAXA’s Norishige Kanai, and NASA’s astronaut Scott Tingle […]

4 mins read

EU launches the seventh Sentinel satellite in the space

The seventh European Union (UN) Sentinel satellite was recently launched into the orbit with the help of a converted intercontinental ballistic missile aboard Russian Rokot launcher that injected the Sentinel-3b satellite into a similar orbit to the previously sent Sentinel-3a which was launched two years ago. The new Sentinel-3b spacecraft is a part of EU […]

3 mins read

Hubble space telescope celebrates its 28th anniversary with magnificent imagery of Lagoon Nebula

To commemorate its 28th anniversary, Hubble Space Telescope has sent a magnificent image of a gorgeous nebula located in the distant cosmos to mark its anniversary which has been a custom celebrated every April. Hubble Space Telescope, the largest ever space telescope stationed in the Earth’s orbit as of now was launched on April 24, […]

6 mins read

Space Pollution: Out of control Tiangong-1 is just a start, end is more scary

Out of control, Chinese satellite Tiangong-1 is about to crash on Earth soon at an unknown place, revealed European Space Agency (ESA). Scientists are tracking the movement of the satellite weighing 19,000 pounds that will meet its doom within the first week of April. Moving at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour, the space […]

2 mins read

European Space Agency successfully test fires the air-breathing electric thrusters

The European Space Agency has achieved success in building air-breathing thrusters that can be used in space. For the first time ever, the ESA team has successfully built and test fired an air-breathing electric thruster. This electric thruster will use the scarce amount of air molecules found in the upper atmosphere of the Earth to […]