04 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

2016 to set the record of warmest year, warns NOAA

In less than two weeks, 2016 is going to set a new record of being the hottest year of the world after 120 years, a recently conducted study warned. The abnormal changes in climatic patterns are affecting every single part of the world and ecosystem since past couple of decades. But the current year, 2016 […]

2 mins read

Underwater Robot Spot a Multicolored World under Antarctica’s Sea Ice

A video captured by a remote-control camera has shown a stunning marine community below the freezing ice sheets of Antarctica Ocean, a discovery which can lead researcher towards a more revealing world of marine life. Australian researchers, during the wake of introducing an underwater robot, have captured an exclusive and surprising video footage of a […]

2 mins read

Japan’s upgraded Epsilon booster that will study Genesis of Geomagnetic Storms to take-off Today

Japan’s small-class space launcher Epsilon Booster together with one satellite is gearing up to take off today from Uchinoura Space Center. On Tuesday, the upgraded Version of Epsilon Booster with a satellite will fly off to the space to study the sources of powerful geomagnetic hurricanes, strong and intense natural phenomena that set off pictorial […]

2 mins read

Scientists urge for commercialization of Hydroelectricity for cheaper source of electrical energy

It has been multiple decades to the invention of hydroelectricity. But till now, the complete commercialization of the innovation is far-flung from the market. A top scientist from National Physical Laboratory of India (ICSR), in a press meet, has urged the industry leaders to step forward for taking the concept of electricity-from-water forward for generating […]

2 mins read

Ancient footprints of our ancestors suggest they were extremely tall

Ancient human beings are likely to have a royal figure with at least 5.5-feet tall, 45kg weight, and a harem – scientists have discovered during a research. This is the figure what our ancestors used to have before some 3.7 million years ago. The question – “how our ancestors look like” is still subjective to […]

2 mins read

Arctic lake ice is thawing one day earlier annually, warns study

The impact of climate change and global warming is affecting multiple sectors of the world, especially the ocean level and ice sheets of Polar Regions. And new study report has come up with no different facts. The ice sheets that have covered the Arctic lakes are melting one day earlier than the normal rate, because […]

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Cassini image demonstrating an illusion of Mimas crashing into Saturn’s Rings

Cassini, after completing its first ring-grazing event earlier a week, is moving towards a graceful climax in 2017 and is currently taking closest flyby approach to the rings of Saturn. However, before putting an end to its highly-successful Saturn Mission, the NASA-powered spaceship has beamed back some intriguing images to the earth, which are demonstrating […]

2 mins read

A Massive ‘Dead Zone’ Detected In Bay of Bengal is Likely To Shook Up Aquatic Lives

“Dead Zones”, which are usually found off the western coastal of North and South America, Namibia and off the West shoreline of India in the Arabian Sea, is recently discovered in the Bay of Bengal, spreading over thousands of kilometers. A group of Indian scientists recently have spotted the Bay of Bengal to host a […]

2 mins read

Manmade Roads Have Shattered Earth’s Surface into 600,000 Pieces

Streets may have enhanced the capability of the human being to take a voyage across all over the world with more convenience and easiness. But it has also created a state of peril for the preservation of natural legacy. As per a recently published study, human-made streets have sliced the surface of the Earth into […]