04 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

India’s Team Indus Ties Up with Japan’s Hakuto for Next Lunar Mission

A Bengaluru-based space startup company – TeamIndus – the only Indian team to represent the country in the Google Lunar XPRIZE competition, on Wednesday publicized the report of its partnership with a Japanese space company for the upcoming Lunar mission. In the announcement of the commercial agreement, Team Indus mentioned about its collaboration with Hakuto, […]

2 mins read

Boyajian’s Star Befogging Its Brightness; Mystery Is Still Unanswered By Astronomers

The best example of advanced alien life can not be explained much better than the mysterious Boyajian’s star, “KIC 8462852”, revealed the recently conducted study which was monitoring the star since last 15 months. The study indicated that the astronomers and scientists have to work harder and in more creative ways to solve the mystery […]

2 mins read

Momentous usper volcano in Naples is swirling as 500,000 are under threat

After around 500 years of idleness, a sleeping Campi Flegrei volcano of liquid magma under the Italian city of Naples hints to be “stirring again” and is expected to in the closest approach to the highest pressure point, a study published on Thursday revealed. With the study report, the possibility of Italian City to again […]

2 mins read

Science Wonder: Scientists Formulate Sun-Powered Artificial Leaf for Drugs Manufacturing

Formulating and manufacturing life-saving ‘Drug’ is a matter of big factories and million dollars worth of instruments. But now, a group of researchers has developed a more convenient and easy way to manufacture medicines anytime and anywhere. Scientists from the Netherlands have invented a competent and powerful, yet simple method which can act as mini-factory […]

2 mins read

China kicks off its first carbon dioxide detection satellite ‘TanSat’ today

In order to detect and monitor the emission and impact of carbon dioxide, China, has successfully launch its first minisatellite to space. Today, on 22nd December 2016, China’s first-of-its-kind global carbon dioxide detection and monitoring space probe took off from the ground-based launcher in order to understand the changes in climatic patterns. The satellite named […]

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Ecological honor to Barak Obama: New Coral-Reef Fish Species is named as “Tosanoides Obama”

A new species of fish discovered from Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, located at the United States of America is named in the honor of former president of USA, Mr. Barak Obama. When scientists first discovered this new fish creature, they were shocked to find a distinctive and multicolored mark near the tail of the fish. […]

2 mins read

Winter Solstice 2016 prevails today: Here’s everything you need to know

The astronomical phenomenon – winter solstice or otherwise called hibernal solstice is going to happen today, on 21st December. Today is the day which will mark the shortest day and the longest night of 2016. Astronomical winter will turn up at 5:44 am, on Wednesday morning and the temperature during this time, will be in […]

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Japanese Spacecraft ERG may discover new approaches to Van Allen Radiation Belts

The Japanese spaceship, called Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace Satellite, or ERG successfully took off from Uchinoura Space Center in southern Japan, on 20th December; at 6 am EST (1100 GMT; 8 p.m. local Japan time). The spacecraft is designed to provide the astronomers better understanding about the radiation atmosphere of near-Earth. Yesterday, […]

2 mins read

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Detect Toddler Martian Spiders

NASA scientists believe that they have found the infant version of Mars Spider during a satellite survey. Scientists of NASA, using the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)’s survey reports, have been able to spot the snowballing intensification of erosion-carved troughs which is expected to be the baby versions of larger features called Martian “spiders.” To recall, […]