08 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

Global Electrosurgical Energy Devices Market Price, Growth, Forecast 2028

A recent report published by QMI on Electrosurgical energy devices market is a detailed assessment of the most important market dynamics. After carrying out thorough research on the market of electrosurgical energy devices market’ historical as well as current growth parameters, business expectations for growth are obtained with utmost precision. The study identifies specific and […]

5 mins read

NASA Juno spacecraft beams back astonishing pic of rose-colored storms on Jupiter

The US space agency NASA’s Juno spacecraft that is orbiting Jupiter has beamed back another stunning image of the gas giant giving a mesmerizing view of the planet. The rose-colored storms on the Jupiter as seen in the stunning photo are a delight to watch. This image captures a close-up view of a storm with bright […]

2 mins read

NASA shares breathtaking photo of Saturn captured by Cassini before its death

The US space agency NASA has shared another stunning image of Saturn shot by the Cassini spacecraft before it plunged into the planet. In this image, NASA’s Cassini sees Saturn and its rings through a haze of Sun glare on the camera lens. If you could travel to Saturn in person and look out the […]

2 mins read

Amateur astronomer points his camera towards sky and accidentally captures Supernova

An amateur astronomer has got hold of the first burst of the exploding supernova. Getting the initial bright light of the newly born supernova is considered to be very rare and the chances of such discovery are 1 in every 10 million supernovae. But, this lucky amateur astronomer from Argentina successfully managed to see the […]

2 mins read

Watch breathtaking pics of Jupiter shot by NASA Juno during tenth science orbit

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Juno spacecraft has shot amazing images of the Jupiter during the tenth science orbit of the gas giant, revealed scientists at the US space agency. The remarkable feat was achieved during Juno probe’s 11th close flyby of Jupiter where the spacecraft made the closest approach at 6:36 a.m. PST (9:36 a.m. […]

2 mins read

NASA Juno probe shows eerie atmosphere of gas giant Jupiter, See Pic

The US space agency NASA’s Juno spacecraft has beamed an incredible image of the scary atmosphere of the largest planet of our solar system — Jupiter. Scientists have enhanced the colors of the image to make it look more appealing which also really brings out eerieness of gas giant. The stunning photo looks no less than an […]

2 mins read

Do you know how Earth and Moon appear in a composite image? Take a look yourself

Do you know how is Moon from our Earth? Scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have released a stunning image that gives a spectacular view of Earth and Moon in a single composite image. The photo shows moon hovering around its parent planet which gives a clear idea how far both the celestial bodies […]

2 mins read

Aliens exist? White rabbit like creature discovered in Mars Curiosity photos: UFO Sightings

Renowned UFOlogist Scott C Waring who consistently posts about alien findings and UFO sightings on his blog UFO Sightings Daily has once again claimed of finding an alien object on the Martian surface. This time Waring has discovered two white rabbits like figure in two different photos taken by the Curiosity rover that is exploring […]

5 mins read

NASA Juno spacecraft to remain in same orbit to complete scientific goals

The US space agency NASA’s Juno spacecraft that is orbiting Jupiter will remain in the 53 day long orbit after its fourth flyby on February 2 this year. The step has been taken by the scientists in order to elongate the mission duration by saving some fuel and complete more science goals. Earlier, NASA planned […]