29 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

NASA shares breathtaking photo of Saturn captured by Cassini before its death

The US space agency NASA has shared another stunning image of Saturn shot by the Cassini spacecraft before it plunged into the planet. In this image, NASA’s Cassini sees Saturn and its rings through a haze of Sun glare on the camera lens. If you could travel to Saturn in person and look out the […]

2 mins read

See Pic: NASA Cassini shots stunning images while diving between Saturn and its Rings

The US space agency’s Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn is in its final stages of its career that lasted more than a decade. The spacecraft has mesmerized sky gazers and space enthusiasts by sending astonishing images of the most beautiful planet of our solar system. Cassini has revealed a lot about Saturn and its rings. The latest […]

3 mins read

Astronomers Develop a More Precise Lifetime for Jupiter and Saturn’s Formation

Since centuries, the formation of our solar system and its involved planets has been a matter of question for the scientists and the explorations missions to ascertain this problem is numerous. In such a providential celestial breakthrough, scientists have found out the actual birth timeline of solar system’s two most pivotal planets – Jupiter and […]

3 mins read

Saturn May Be Steering Away Asteroids from Earth: Study

In a first-of-its-kind effort to decipher the conundrum if Jovian bodies protect habitable planets from the harsh impacts catastrophic events, scientists have found “Saturn,” instead of “Jupiter” to be the “hero” of the entire episode. The long-established belief that ‘Jupiter is the “planetary shield” for earth’ is likely to be a moderately correct because a […]

3 mins read

Cassini Captures Dazzling Close-Up View of Saturn’s Rings

NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft, which is orbiting Saturn since 1997 has recently transmitted some of the closest views of planet’s rings. The jaw-dropping Cassini images of Saturn’s moon are providing the extraordinary sights at the details of the external parts of the planet. While moving in the course of its penultimate mission, Cassini is said to […]

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See Pic: Saturn’s Icy Moon Tethys Looks Like a Space Eyeball or a Death Star?

NASA – the US-based space agency recently shared the jaw-dropping image of “Tethys” – the larger arctic moon of Saturn and quickly, the picture went viral on social media. While some group of people and even the scientists have suggested the Tethys have many similarities a “space eyeball, staring into space”; now another group of […]

2 mins read

Cassini Spacecraft Photographed Closest View of Saturn’s Moon Daphnis

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, which is orbiting Saturn since 1997, has photographed a spectacular view of the wave-maker moon of the planet. During its recent close flyby, the space probe clicked the stunning and closest view of Saturn’s inner satellite – Daphnis. During the period, when Cassini was conducting the ring-grazing event at the external edges […]

2 mins read

NASA’s Cassini beamed back proximal and highest-resolution snaps of Saturn’s moon Pandora

Cassini, the unmanned robotic spacecraft of NASA, which is orbiting planet Saturn since 1997, has beamed back some stunning close-up images of Pandora, the moon of Saturn. NASA, the US-based space agency has released a series of highest-resolution and close-up pictures of Saturn’s moon which are click by the high-definition camera aboard Cassini space probe […]

2 mins read

Cassini image demonstrating an illusion of Mimas crashing into Saturn’s Rings

Cassini, after completing its first ring-grazing event earlier a week, is moving towards a graceful climax in 2017 and is currently taking closest flyby approach to the rings of Saturn. However, before putting an end to its highly-successful Saturn Mission, the NASA-powered spaceship has beamed back some intriguing images to the earth, which are demonstrating […]