29 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

Scientists concoct most heat resistant material that endures 40000-degree Celsius

In a breakthrough, a group of scientists has found a ground-breaking material that can bear up the highest degree of temperature. The group from Imperial College London at the United Kingdom has built up a notable and most astounding warmth resistance material that can withstand the temperature of about 40000-degree Celsius with much effectiveness. This […]

2 mins read

NASA’s Cassini beamed back proximal and highest-resolution snaps of Saturn’s moon Pandora

Cassini, the unmanned robotic spacecraft of NASA, which is orbiting planet Saturn since 1997, has beamed back some stunning close-up images of Pandora, the moon of Saturn. NASA, the US-based space agency has released a series of highest-resolution and close-up pictures of Saturn’s moon which are click by the high-definition camera aboard Cassini space probe […]

2 mins read

Astronomers discover largest superclusters of galaxies next to Milky Way

The Milky Way – which houses our solar system was previously believed to be alone. But now, a new discovery has come to forefront raising some serious questions on this long-established belief. A group of international astronomers recently have discovered the largest superclusters of galaxies close to the Milky Way, a finding which can lead […]

2 mins read

China kicks off its first carbon dioxide detection satellite ‘TanSat’ today

In order to detect and monitor the emission and impact of carbon dioxide, China, has successfully launch its first minisatellite to space. Today, on 22nd December 2016, China’s first-of-its-kind global carbon dioxide detection and monitoring space probe took off from the ground-based launcher in order to understand the changes in climatic patterns. The satellite named […]

2 mins read

Winter Solstice 2016 prevails today: Here’s everything you need to know

The astronomical phenomenon – winter solstice or otherwise called hibernal solstice is going to happen today, on 21st December. Today is the day which will mark the shortest day and the longest night of 2016. Astronomical winter will turn up at 5:44 am, on Wednesday morning and the temperature during this time, will be in […]

2 mins read

Japan’s upgraded Epsilon booster that will study Genesis of Geomagnetic Storms to take-off Today

Japan’s small-class space launcher Epsilon Booster together with one satellite is gearing up to take off today from Uchinoura Space Center. On Tuesday, the upgraded Version of Epsilon Booster with a satellite will fly off to the space to study the sources of powerful geomagnetic hurricanes, strong and intense natural phenomena that set off pictorial […]

2 mins read

A Massive ‘Dead Zone’ Detected In Bay of Bengal is Likely To Shook Up Aquatic Lives

“Dead Zones”, which are usually found off the western coastal of North and South America, Namibia and off the West shoreline of India in the Arabian Sea, is recently discovered in the Bay of Bengal, spreading over thousands of kilometers. A group of Indian scientists recently have spotted the Bay of Bengal to host a […]

2 mins read

Marine Wonder: Rarely Seen Ghost Shark Caught On Camera

Like described in Greek Mythology, a rarely seen Ghost Shark recently caught on camera is giving some major goals about the unknown and interesting facts about marine life. A Ghost Shark or pointy-nosed blue chimaeras, for the first time was captured on cameras alive off the coasts of Hawaii and California. Like its Greek Mythological […]

2 mins read

Erik Verlinde’s Alternative to Albert Einstein’s Gravity Theory Qualifies First Major Test

Dutch Theoretical Physicist, Erik Verlinde’s alternative theory to Albert Einstein’s Theory of Gravity has successfully qualified the first test round over this weekend. In as study of more than 3000 galaxies, the new Theory of Gravity has successfully passed its first major test round. The research team led by Margot Brouwer from Leiden Observatory in […]