30 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

Discovery of exotic two-dimensional Superconducting matter stun scientists

One Indian origin scientist and other scientists have found the sign of a new and exotic matter state where the component particles pair up when limited to two dimensions. This finding is issued in the journal Science which includes significant signs of the new phenomenon of superconductivity. This theory of exactly zero electrical resistance and […]

2 mins read

Science Wonder: Air Conditioning System Now Can Replace With Glass-Polymer Hybrid Material

In a major scientific breakthrough, an international team of researchers has successfully formulated a thin and economical material which can be replaced with air conditioning system. The new material is capable of cooling down a room, just like the air conditioning system works.  But the remarkable discrepancy of the new material is that it is […]

2 mins read

Scientists concoct most heat resistant material that endures 40000-degree Celsius

In a breakthrough, a group of scientists has found a ground-breaking material that can bear up the highest degree of temperature. The group from Imperial College London at the United Kingdom has built up a notable and most astounding warmth resistance material that can withstand the temperature of about 40000-degree Celsius with much effectiveness. This […]