10 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

Aliens exist? White rabbit like creature discovered in Mars Curiosity photos: UFO Sightings

Renowned UFOlogist Scott C Waring who consistently posts about alien findings and UFO sightings on his blog UFO Sightings Daily has once again claimed of finding an alien object on the Martian surface. This time Waring has discovered two white rabbits like figure in two different photos taken by the Curiosity rover that is exploring […]

5 mins read

NASA Juno spacecraft to remain in same orbit to complete scientific goals

The US space agency NASA’s Juno spacecraft that is orbiting Jupiter will remain in the 53 day long orbit after its fourth flyby on February 2 this year. The step has been taken by the scientists in order to elongate the mission duration by saving some fuel and complete more science goals. Earlier, NASA planned […]

3 mins read

Can you help NASA in finding Planet 9 with this new website?

The US space agency NASA wants citizen scientists to help them in identifying the presence of Planet 9 in our solar system. NASA has created a website Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 where interested participants can scan the data of our solar system and help in identifying the new planet located beyond Neptune. Scientists have mapped our solar […]

2 mins read

Aliens exist? NASA cuts live feed as 6 UFOs appear in ISS live feed (Video+)

Alien hunters have once again spotted six UFOs lingering around the International Space Station and accused the US space agency NASA for hiding the truth about the existence of aliens from general public. Alien seekers claim that NASA cut the live feed from ISS as a fleet of six UFOs appeared on the screen and replaced it with […]

2 mins read

NASA-Funded Website ‘Backyard Worlds’ Enables Common Public to Search Celestial Objects

If you are a space enthusiast and dreaming of participating in NASA’s space exploration missions, then here’s the golden opportunity for you. NASA is now inviting people to help in exploring the so-called Planet 9 or Planet X from the short documentary film, created by the engineers. NASA has introduced a web portal, which will […]

2 mins read

January 2017 Is the Third Hottest In 137 Years: NASA

Global temperature is mounting at an alarming pace; resulting in multiple variations in earth’s ecology and natural system and a credible evidence of this devastating phenomenon is the first month of this year. As per the newest data, collected by NASA, January 2017 is the third hottest month on record. According to NASA’s report, two […]

2 mins read

NASA’s JPL Tenders Motiv Space Systems a $11 Million-Worth Contract to Develop Robotic Arm for Mars 2020

While National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is antagonistically moving ahead to accomplish its ambitious mission of landing a probe on Martian Surface by 2020, a Pasadena-based space firm is busy in developing the most vital part of the mission – the robotic arms of Mars 2020 spacecraft. The Pasadena-based aeronautics solution provider – Motiv […]

2 mins read

Celestial Valentine: NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope Detects Tumultuous Romance between Star and Planet

Valentine day is around the corner, and the entire world is busy in expressing their love to their special persons. But do you know, in the angelic realm, there is a couple who are also celebrating the love week? Jokes apart, NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, which is the fourth and final telescope of NASA Great […]

2 mins read

You Still Can Experience Comet 45P’s Close Flyby Moment from Earth: NASA

Cheers space enthusiasts! In next few days, you can experience the spectacular celestial event of a comet closely passing by our Mother Planet – Earth. As per the new release of NASA, the emerald comet – Comet 45P is going to pass by the Earth on 1st April 2017 and space enthusiasts can witness the […]