29 Mar, 2025
5 mins read

NASA Juno spacecraft beams back astonishing pic of rose-colored storms on Jupiter

The US space agency NASA’s Juno spacecraft that is orbiting Jupiter has beamed back another stunning image of the gas giant giving a mesmerizing view of the planet. The rose-colored storms on the Jupiter as seen in the stunning photo are a delight to watch. This image captures a close-up view of a storm with bright […]

2 mins read

NASA shares breathtaking photo of Saturn captured by Cassini before its death

The US space agency NASA has shared another stunning image of Saturn shot by the Cassini spacecraft before it plunged into the planet. In this image, NASA’s Cassini sees Saturn and its rings through a haze of Sun glare on the camera lens. If you could travel to Saturn in person and look out the […]

2 mins read

Watch breathtaking pics of Jupiter shot by NASA Juno during tenth science orbit

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Juno spacecraft has shot amazing images of the Jupiter during the tenth science orbit of the gas giant, revealed scientists at the US space agency. The remarkable feat was achieved during Juno probe’s 11th close flyby of Jupiter where the spacecraft made the closest approach at 6:36 a.m. PST (9:36 a.m. […]

2 mins read

Do you know how Earth and Moon appear in a composite image? Take a look yourself

Do you know how is Moon from our Earth? Scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have released a stunning image that gives a spectacular view of Earth and Moon in a single composite image. The photo shows moon hovering around its parent planet which gives a clear idea how far both the celestial bodies […]

2 mins read

See Pic: NASA Cassini shots stunning images while diving between Saturn and its Rings

The US space agency’s Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn is in its final stages of its career that lasted more than a decade. The spacecraft has mesmerized sky gazers and space enthusiasts by sending astonishing images of the most beautiful planet of our solar system. Cassini has revealed a lot about Saturn and its rings. The latest […]

2 mins read

Robotic spacecraft to sun- will NASA make it possible?

According to the recent reports by NASA’s official channel, it is planning to send a robotic spacecraft to Sun by the end of next year. NASA’s first ever robotic spacecraft to Sun will travel within six million kilometers of the blazing star to probe its atmosphere. So far, every space agency of the word has […]

2 mins read

NASA to Pierce into Europa’s Icy Crust for Chasing Submerged Alien Life by 2020

Since early 2016, a research team employed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) called Science Definition Team (SDT) has been researching on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa, and after over one year, on 7th February 2017, the team presented their first report on the one-year-long experimental effort. The study was aimed at determining the scientific […]

2 mins read

NASA to Send Submerged Craft to Jupiter’s Frozen Moon ‘EUROPA’ For Hunting Extraterrestrial Life

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is planning to send an unmanned robotic spacecraft to Jupiter’s frozen moon “Europa” for hunting alien life. According to the official report of the US-based space agency NASA, Europa – the ice-covered moon of Jupiter might be looking like completely barren and unreceptive to life formation, in fact, […]

3 mins read

China Shortlists Top Eight Names For Its Upcoming Mars Mission; Finalization Will Held In April

Chinese space agency is gearing up for landing a Mars orbiter, Lander and rover on Martian surface by the end of 2020 and the title for this 2020 Chinese Mars Mission is yet to be confirmed. However, the space agency has started taking names into account for Mars mission, which is scheduled for taking wings […]