NASA to Send Submerged Craft to Jupiter’s Frozen Moon ‘EUROPA’ For Hunting Extraterrestrial Life
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is planning to send an unmanned robotic spacecraft to Jupiter’s frozen moon “Europa” for hunting alien life. According to the official report of the US-based space agency NASA, Europa – the ice-covered moon of Jupiter might be looking like completely barren and unreceptive to life formation, in fact, it is likely to be hiding a massive ocean which is the pathways of aliens to travel around the planet.
This week, while announcing its three primary goals for the upcoming hunt of alien life, NASA revealed that, in the coming days, it will focus more on the possible existence of aliens on Jupiter’s barren moon Europa. As believed by the scientists of NASA, Europa has lurked a gargantuan deep-sea under its ice-covered surface, which is the trail of aliens to move around the planet. And soon the agency will send a robotic craft to explore if aliens are swimming in the buried ocean or not. The ambitious mission, if goes accordingly, may pave new paths for the exploration of extraterrestrial life, which is a long-established topic of the question.
Among the three top goals of its approaching search for life missions, NASA’s focus will remain more on exploring evidence of life on Jupiter’s moon Europa. According to NASA, its scientists have already started planning and thinking about the type of spacecraft which could be efficient to chase the aliens in the outer space ocean. The agency is currently developing a revolutionary robotic craft which will draw on artificial intelligence (AI) for exploring the signs of life in Europa.
However, before sending a robotic underwater craft to Europa, NASA first wants to launch a Lander to Jupiter’s frozen Moon which will aim at conducting an investigation and finding physical proof about the lurking ocean under the chilly crust of the moon. If the Lander succeeds in exploring the proofs regarding the presence of frozen ocean under the Europa’s frizzy surface, the agency will send the submarine robotic craft for exploring the presence of aliens on the planet.
About Europa, it is the sixth closest moon to Jupiter and smallest of four moons of the planet. It was first discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. It is primarily configured out of silicate rock and holds a water-ice coating on the surface. The core of Europa is believed to be made out of iron and nickel, while its tenuous atmosphere is unruffled mainly of oxygen. Since the early of the 1970s, the frozen moon of Jupiter has continually been subjective to exploration missions. However, up to date, no experiments and probes have confirmed the presence of life on the planet.