23 Feb, 2025
3 mins read

Chandrayaan-1 returns to work- found orbiting around the Moon

In 2008, Space satellite organiser, ISRO launched Chandrayaan-1, the first unmanned space satellite of India. But it was considered lost in August 2009, as it stopped responding. Recently, NASA scientists have found out that Chandrayaan-1 is still orbiting the Moon. It came to a great surprise for the ISRO scientists when news from NASA landed […]

3 mins read

Harvard says: Aliens to send mysterious signals to humans

The strange message received on Earth by some space satellites may be some mysterious messages send by the aliens to the humans. Harvard is actively sticking to this opinion. One of the Harvard scientist claims that the mysterious fast radio bursts may be evidence of advanced alien technology. These signals might be some mysterious leakage […]

2 mins read

Stephen Hawking raises his voice against technology threat, saves humanity

British Physicists, Stephen Hawking finally rose his voice while talking about humanity and technology. According to him, the fast pace technology oriented world have become a grave threat to humanity, and only world government can rescue humans from this danger. Why is World Government doing? Stephen Hawking has raised his voice against global warming, extinction of […]

3 mins read

Potato cultivation on Mars may be possible

Scientists have found out that potato cultivation can be grown under adverse climatic conditions. Potato cultivation can also be made possible Mars, says the scientists. In a 2015 science fiction movie named, “The Martian”, the tellers showed that potato cultivation could be made possible on Mars. On the basis of that, the scientists started to do […]

3 mins read

Mars explorers boast high risk of Leukaemia, warns new study

After conducting a lot of studies on how travelling in space is making an impact on the health of the astronauts, scientists have found out that, intense radiations bulging out in space, on the human body are a serious threat to human life. It can cause Leukaemia in Astronauts. While studying three years long space flight […]

3 mins read

NASA’s new creation- “Coolest spot on Universe”

What is NASA’s next take on the Universe and Gravity? According to the recent reports, NASA is trying to create the Coolest spot on Universe. Scientists have the opinion that this might help them to find more about gravity and origination of Earth. NASa’s new take on creating Coolest spot on Universe is to find […]

3 mins read

Europe under serious climate change impacts

According to recent polls, Donal Trump has initiated to charge penalties on citizens who are not supporting the Paris climate deal. Europe is already under a serious climate change impact. What’s next? A large number of citizens from four major European nations are on a thought that climate change impacts like severe flood, global warming […]

3 mins read

Cosmic junkyard is what surrounds Earth’s orbiting

Our blue planet looks gorgeous. Satellite from all decades has captured beautiful pictures of Earth. But what surrounds our blue planet is more to a horror. Scientists have found that Earth’s orbiting is surrounded by vast junkyard which can step in the way of further progress in space science. This cosmic junkyard is primarily considered […]

2 mins read

China’s new satellite to get launched through airplanes

After USA’s incredible satellite-delivery rocket, China is planning to launch its very own satellite-delivery rocket through aeroplanes. The USA was the first country to launch air-launched space mission satellite-delivery rocket in 1990. Former Orbital Sciences Corp developed a Pegasus rocket, which was launched from a refitted B-52 strategic bomber that sent two small satellite into the […]