29 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

The air quality will get improved by 2024 when compared to 2016

New Delhi: The city has recorded a 25% diminishing in PM10 degrees and statement in PM2.5 in 2019 whilst differentiated and 2016. However, neither the improvement of those key air defilements nor the cutting-edge aim beneath the National Clean Air Program (NCAP) might be fair enough to make the city’s air breathable by the end […]

2 mins read

Rising Nitrous Oxide Emissions Jeopardizing Climate

With the increasing use of nitrogen fertilizers by farmers worldwide, the emission of nitrous oxide is growing at an alarming rate. Nitrous oxide is among the most hazardous of greenhouse gases. It is about 300 times more than carbon dioxide. Nitrous oxide is one of the most destructive greenhouse gases. It remains in the atmosphere […]

3 mins read

Australian Great Barrier Reef endangered

Australian Great Barrier Reef endangered One of the world’s natural wonders, Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has the largest living structure. It’s on the verge of decline. Isn’t it shocking? Yes. Sadly, But this was very much expected. Researchers from the Australian Research Council just completed comprehensive surveys and have found that minimum of about 800 individual coral reefs across 8,000km […]

3 mins read

Scott Pruitt’s new take on global warming made citizens angry

Environmental Protection Agency chief, Scott Pruitt, in an interview with the media house said that carbon dioxide is not the primary cause global warming, hearing which citizen rose to anger. Scott Pruitt is an environmentalist and strongly disagrees the fact that carbon dioxide is alone blamed for global warming. According to Scott Pruitt, not carbon […]

3 mins read

Cosmic junkyard is what surrounds Earth’s orbiting

Our blue planet looks gorgeous. Satellite from all decades has captured beautiful pictures of Earth. But what surrounds our blue planet is more to a horror. Scientists have found that Earth’s orbiting is surrounded by vast junkyard which can step in the way of further progress in space science. This cosmic junkyard is primarily considered […]

2 mins read

Climate Change Is 170 Times More Attributable To Human Activities than Nature: Study

Climate change, constantly affecting ecology, civilization, and nature, has ended up being the most dangerous predicament facing the current society. However, instead of nature, human activities and human interference are the primary factors which are pushing the harshness and intensity of climate change forward, suggested a new Australian study. The research, conducted by the researchers […]

3 mins read

Rising Temperature is Jazzing up Toxic Mercury Level by 7 Times in Sea Foods: Study

Climate change and global temperature rise are posing various threats to the ecosystem of the world and aquatic realm might be the most affected one. Now, adding some more fuel to this concern, a new study, conducted by a team of Sweden scientists has warned that, rising level of temperature may boost the level of […]

2 mins read

China Proscribes Open-Air Straw Burning in Northern Tianjin to Control Pollution

Chinese Government is aggressively moving towards the reduction of pollution in the nation and in a new breakthrough, Chinese Federal has outlawed the outdoor burning of straws in one of its major province. As per the official advertisement, released by Chinese Government, from March this year, the outdoor straw burning will be completely banned from […]