24 Feb, 2025
3 mins read

Trump’s involvement in climate change report

The USA is quite shaken up by the unwanted climatic change that is occurring nowadays. Every day headline of USA time news has shifted their focus on climate change in the USA. However, after noticing President Donald Trump’s leaning involvement in UCSD reports, the officials are worried that Trump may soon involve his rules into climate changes. Hence, […]

3 mins read

Now you can store all your data in one single atom- IBM shows how

The tough quest to store big data in tinier and tinier storage, scientists have developed lot many things which have amused us so far. Recently, IBM scientists found out a way to store all data in one single atom. Yes, exactly, just one single atom. Let’s know from IBM itself, how they have managed to […]

3 mins read

Scott Pruitt’s new take on global warming made citizens angry

Environmental Protection Agency chief, Scott Pruitt, in an interview with the media house said that carbon dioxide is not the primary cause global warming, hearing which citizen rose to anger. Scott Pruitt is an environmentalist and strongly disagrees the fact that carbon dioxide is alone blamed for global warming. According to Scott Pruitt, not carbon […]

2 mins read

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef can soon damage its existence

Scientists are of the opinion that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is continuously bleaching off its coral reef for two years consecutively. The bleaching initiated last year, but the phenomenon is still proceeding and shows no sign of stopping. How coral bleaching occurs? Coral bleaching can be termed as a phenomenon caused due to pollution. When […]

2 mins read

Stephen Hawking raises his voice against technology threat, saves humanity

British Physicists, Stephen Hawking finally rose his voice while talking about humanity and technology. According to him, the fast pace technology oriented world have become a grave threat to humanity, and only world government can rescue humans from this danger. Why is World Government doing? Stephen Hawking has raised his voice against global warming, extinction of […]

3 mins read

Europe under serious climate change impacts

According to recent polls, Donal Trump has initiated to charge penalties on citizens who are not supporting the Paris climate deal. Europe is already under a serious climate change impact. What’s next? A large number of citizens from four major European nations are on a thought that climate change impacts like severe flood, global warming […]

3 mins read

Exclusive fitness fact about African elephants discovered

No one knew that African elephants slept only for 2 hours per day unless this fun research was initiated in African. The fitness tracked down after the research on African elephants proved that these giant animals are the shortest sleeping animal in the world. The studies conducted so far have found out that they sleep […]