29 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

Most Crucial Phase of US Presidential Election

The crucial presidential contest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden now solely depends on some of the status’s final results. Each of the states with a different set of rules on counting votes and contesting results get delayed. Wisconsin is all set for a recount, and Pennsylvania is among some states which are subject to […]

3 mins read

Stephen Hawking to step into Space with America’s new mission

Nobel Laureate, Stephen Hawking is a researcher, scientist, writer and practitioner of Physics. At the age of 75 years, Stephen Hawking is still considering his theories and lectures on Physics and environment. Recently, when Scott Pruitt declared his statement on Global warming effect that Carbon-di-oxide is not the main reason of rising Global Warming effect, […]

3 mins read

President Donald Trump’s budget can deteriorate Earth’s education cost

President Donald Trump recently unveiled his new budget for the year 2017. His budget seems to focus more on NASA’s development. He made a clear cut budget for NASA to shift its focus from Earth to outer space. However, it is not sure, where he wants to lead NASA’s vision. President Donald Trump’s new budget […]

3 mins read

Trump’s new take on NASA’s Moon mission, private firms involved

Did you remember the time when all space news and Moon mission was only dominated by NASA? Monopoly ruled the space field until new space research centres came into existence. Donal Trump also might look into the equal rights of private space agencies. Early Moon mission was only made possible by NASA. But with time […]

3 mins read

Trump’s involvement in climate change report

The USA is quite shaken up by the unwanted climatic change that is occurring nowadays. Every day headline of USA time news has shifted their focus on climate change in the USA. However, after noticing President Donald Trump’s leaning involvement in UCSD reports, the officials are worried that Trump may soon involve his rules into climate changes. Hence, […]

2 mins read

2, 344 Californian Professors Sign ‘Open Letter’ to Trump, Urging Not To Pull Leg from Paris Climate Protocol 

Donald Trump’s administration is nothing less than a catastrophic segment for United State as well as for the world.  Trump’s statement regarding climate change and his pledge to pull the leg of United State from Paris climate change pacts has become a headache for many. However, after realizing the seriousness of both climate change and […]

2 mins read

Donald Trump’s Administration Instruct Government Agencies to Conceal Facts and Cease Communication with Public

It is only two days to the new presidential-elect of United State –Donald Trump took vow as the head of the nation and his constricting and dominating outlooks have started influencing multiple agencies across the country. Under such a recent tread, Donald Trump’s Administration has officially instructed the government agencies and research organizations to hide […]

2 mins read

California Eyes On 40% Greenhouse Gassed Diminution By 2030

While the entire U.S is under Trump’s threat of pulling the leg back from Paris climate protocol, the western U.S State – California is aggressively moving on the pathway for capping climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. On Friday, 20th January 2017, Californian Government published a strict proposal for meeting up the Climate Change Goals […]