19 Feb, 2025
3 mins read

NASA makes an intriguing discovery: Three mysterious icy holes in Arctic Sea

Scientists have come across a rather bizarre occurring phenomenon somewhere in the Arctic Sea where the temperature is too cold. It is one of the few regions on the Earth with the temperature well below the freezing point even during the summer days. However, NASA, the U.S. Space Agency has photographed a picture of the […]

3 mins read

Now you can store all your data in one single atom- IBM shows how

The tough quest to store big data in tinier and tinier storage, scientists have developed lot many things which have amused us so far. Recently, IBM scientists found out a way to store all data in one single atom. Yes, exactly, just one single atom. Let’s know from IBM itself, how they have managed to […]

2 mins read

Scientists Find a Dog-Sized Mammal, First Producer of Venoms

We all know that snakes are the only producer of venom. But a new study has come up with a new view that can challenge this long-established guesswork. The research, conducted by the scholars of the Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa has claimed the ancient mammals to be the first animal to produce poison.  By […]

2 mins read

Paleontologists discover dinosaur which lost pearly whites while juvenile and evolved beak in matured phase

In a major breakthrough, a group of paleontologists has discovered the remnant of the vanished dinosaur which has come up with great possibilities of exploring the hidden mysteries of this giant species. In a fossil first, a team of paleontologists has unearthed a fossil of a dinosaur which indicated that there was one species of […]