10 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

NASA to Join Forces with ESA and Airbus for Its Historical 2021 Manned Orion Mission

NASA’s ambitious Orion mission that aims at taking human being beyond the Lower Earth Orbit (LEO) is under development and is expected to have effect by 2021. While NASA was the sole owner and operator of this goal-oriented space mission, now European Space Agency (ESA) and aerospace company Airbus have joined the force. Yesterday, European […]

2 mins read

NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory Detects Mysterious X-rays Coming from Milky Way

Scientists of NASA are inching closer to the complete breakthrough of the most puzzling factor of the universe – Dark Matter. NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory, which is designed to identify the emissions of X-rays from Universe’s scorching provinces, has recently detected mysterious X-rays are coming from earth’s local galaxy – Milky Way. Now the scientists […]

2 mins read

NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Photographed Jupiter’s Jaw-Dropping Views of Cyclones Swirl & White Ovals

Jupiter has an iconic ‘Great Red Spot’, and we all know that. But NASA’s high-end spaceship – the Juno Orbiter has recently stumbled upon some other remarkable spots on the Gas Planet. NASA’s historic spacecraft Juno, which recently accomplished its fourth closest flyby to Jupiter, has beamed back a jaw-dropping image of the Gaseous planet, […]

3 mins read

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Highlights about Infeasibilities of Water on Ancient Mars

Water on Mars is a time-honored puzzle for astronomers and scientists across the globe. However, scientists, with the help of NASA’s Mars Rover – Curiosity have been inching closer to the complete exploration of water possibilities on the Red Planet. While the cluster of evidences are there which verify the possibility of water existence on Ancient […]

2 mins read

NASA Upgrades Its Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) Website for Daily Earth Pictures

NASA, the US-based space agency has just upgraded one of its website, which is designed for offering the views of earth from one million miles away.  NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) Website, which is intended for providing daily Earth views from space, has just perked up by the agency. Now, NASA’s overhauled archive for […]

3 mins read

Spending Longer Time in Space Can Have Detrimental Effect on Human Brain: Study Reveals

It has been long acknowledged that spending a longer time in space can have detrimental effects on human body. But now research has come up with the view that, long space journey creates setbacks for the human brain too. The study, conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Michigan has revealed that […]

2 mins read

NASA Dawn Spacecraft Detects Ice Volcanoes on Ceres

Ceres – the biggest celestial object in the asteroid belt that stuck between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter seems to host some hidden ice volcanoes, suggests a new international study. Earlier in 2015, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft detected a four-kilometer elevated Ahuna Mons cryovolcano on Ceres, following which scientists suspects it to host some more […]

2 mins read

SpaceX Will Pony up Ridesharing Rocket for Seven Satellites of NASA and Iridium

Why use several rockets when one single rocket can transmit multiple satellites to space? Well, the perfect answer to this question is given by Elon Musk-owned space company SpaceX. The America-based space company will offer one of its Falcon 9 rockets to set out NASA and Iridium satellites from the ground to space. As announced […]

3 mins read

Cassini Captures Dazzling Close-Up View of Saturn’s Rings

NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft, which is orbiting Saturn since 1997 has recently transmitted some of the closest views of planet’s rings. The jaw-dropping Cassini images of Saturn’s moon are providing the extraordinary sights at the details of the external parts of the planet. While moving in the course of its penultimate mission, Cassini is said to […]