25 Apr, 2024
2 mins read

SpaceX Dragon spacecraft to return to the Earth next week

The Commercial Resupply Services (CRS-14) launched on April 02 from the Cape Canaveral that took the resupply ship Dragon to the International Space Station is set to embark on its journey to return to the Earth soon next week when its Dragon spacecraft is expected to splash down in the Pacific Ocean. SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft […]

4 mins read

NASA to pay 15% more for resupply missions to ISS between 2020 and 2024

NASA, the U.S. space agency that looks after launching the resupply ships to the International Space Station will now have to pay more for comparatively lesser cargo to the space station. These findings came as a part of a new analysis was NASA will have to spend more to supply less cargo the station during […]

5 mins read

ESA’s Gaia spacecraft gathers stunning map of our galaxy encompassing 1.3 billion stars

A $1billion dollar probe launched by European Space Agency back in 2013 has recently transmitted stunning images of quasars, stars, asteroids and much more. It has literally mapped a section of our Milky Way galaxy using its sophisticated equipment and instruments. Gaia spacecraft was launched to map the galaxy and stars like never before back […]

4 mins read

EU launches the seventh Sentinel satellite in the space

The seventh European Union (UN) Sentinel satellite was recently launched into the orbit with the help of a converted intercontinental ballistic missile aboard Russian Rokot launcher that injected the Sentinel-3b satellite into a similar orbit to the previously sent Sentinel-3a which was launched two years ago. The new Sentinel-3b spacecraft is a part of EU […]

4 mins read

CubeSats are the next big thing in the space industry

NASA has made some greater achievements and discoveries over the years, however, with the end of its Space Shuttle program back in 2011, there is no way NASA could put an astronaut in space or to the ISS without the help of Russia’s Roscosmos. Although NASA maintains a number of launches that take place every […]

4 mins read

WASP-104b, the darkest planet detected with absorption of more than 99% of light

A team of researchers has made a fascinating discovery about a planet’s ability to absorb 99% of the light that reflects on it. The planet is the question is equivalent to the size of Jupiter located around 466 million light-years away from our planet. Its distinct feature is its blackness where it blocks 99% of […]

5 mins read

How will NASA’ TESS spacecraft will hunt for exoplanets?

After the colossal amount of time spent on designing, developing, and integrating the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), it was finally launched on April 18, 2018, aboard SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. It is expected to scan over 200,000 brightest or nearest stars in order to capture exoplanets using sophisticated transit technique which it will use […]

2 mins read

Humans are not from Earth, claims scientists

In a shocking claim made by several scientists, they cannot actually rule out the Panspermia hypothesis which was a theory proposed by British chemist Leslie Orgel and Physicist Professor Francis Crick. According to a buzz that has gained popularity recently, there are few scientists who believe that the human species didn’t originate on Earth and […]

3 mins read

Earth-like mud cracks found on Mars dates back to 3.5 billion years

Last January (2017), NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover which was sent to study the Martian surface stumbled upon ancient ‘mud cracks’ inside the Gale Crater. The photos sent by the rover through the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to the Earth revealed a 30-inch-long slab of rock with a crisscross pattern of polygons. The photos captured by Curiosity’s […]