29 Mar, 2025
4 mins read

NASA’s Mars Opportunity rover hits another giant dust storm; It may not be able to communicate for a while

Originally designed for a 90-day mission on the red planet, NASA’s Opportunity rover has completed more than 14 years on Mars after it landed on the surface in January 2004 along with its twin rover Spirit that ceased to function back in 2010 after developing complications. Talking about the Opportunity, it is only of the […]

3 mins read

New Horizons probe will soon whiz past Ultima Thule, the farthest object visited by the humanity

NASA’s New Horizons probe which completed the iconic Pluto flyby back in July 2015 is back online now. After visiting Pluto, the nuclear-powered New Horizons probe was shut down to conserve energy for further observations in December 2017. After a brief period of 6 months, the probe woke up on June 5, 2018, for its […]

4 mins read

Here are few Russian space traditions that every cosmonaut must follow

Russia has its own customs and traditions to follow before, during, and after every spaceflight launch which has become integral ever since it was started by Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space back in 1961 before his first launch. There are many activities that Russian cosmonauts and astronauts from other space agencies do in […]

2 mins read

NASA will reveal latest findings made by Curiosity rover at the press conference on Thursday

NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover spent over 2,000 Martian days (Sols) back in March 2018 and counting. The rover has revealed a plethora of data about the red planet where humans could harbor one day. But for now, Curiosity has found something very intriguing. In fact, NASA decided to keep it under wrap until the official […]

2 mins read

Soyuz rocket is set to launch today from Baikonur Cosmodrome at 07.12 a.m. EDT: Watch Live

Today on June 06, three astronauts will set out on the International Space Station Expedition 57 onboard Soyuz-FG rocket which is expected to lift off from Baikonur Cosmodrome at 07.12 a.m. PDT from the Launch Pad No. 1, the same pad used by Yuri Gagarin on his mission to become the first person in space […]

3 mins read

A day on Earth will last longer than 24 hours in about millions of years from today

A recent study has suggested that more than 1.4 billion years ago, a day on the Earth lasted for just 18 hours. But today, a day on Earth is around 24 hours. The duration of a day on our planet depends on many factors of which, one of the crucial factors is the Earth-Moon interaction. […]

2 mins read

SpaceX’ private spaceflight to the moon is postponed until 2019

Last year in February 2017, Elon Musk’s SpaceX announced that it would launch two private citizens around the moon by 2018 [this year] in its second crewed mission on its Crew Dragon 2 capsule that was originally designed to carry crew members to the ISS and beyond. SpaceX published a blog on its website stating […]

2 mins read

A small asteroid disintegrated into a fireball over South Africa

A small and least likely to harm asteroid recently disintegrated over the regions of Africa and extending to Papua New Guinea, just hours after it was discovered. The object that was previously listed as ZLAF9B2 was a 6-feet diameter cosmic boulder first captured by Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona. The object now named as asteroid […]

3 mins read

NASA’ Dawn spacecraft to study dwarf planet Ceres up-closely in its new orbit

Engineers operating the NASA’s Dawn spacecraft have initiated maneuvers that will bring the satellite to the lowest and final orbit over the planet Ceres. The final destination orbit is expected to be at an altitude of 30 miles above the planet’s surface which is ten times closer than the previous orbit that Dawn has been […]