30 Mar, 2025
1 min read

A man got granted his dying wish of a cigarette and a glass of white wine

According to this post on the hospital’s Facebook page, Carsten Flemming Hansen, 75 aged, was terminally ill after he was admitted to hospital with an aortic aneurysm and internal bleeding problem. After the doctors at Aarhus University Hospital informed Carsten Flemming Hansen that he was not fit for surgery and would probably die within days from […]

4 mins read

World’s first three genetic parents gave birth to their child

  In New York-based reproductive endocrinologist reported the birth of the world’s first “three-parent” baby. It was a healthy boy who carried three people’s DNA, which consisted of the birth Mother, his own father and the DNA of a female donor. The mother of this baby went through mitochondrial replacement therapy which allowed her at […]

3 mins read

Octopuses are genetically smart: know how

  Octopuses are the most amazing creature. These tentacle creatures are mysterious enough and have the capability of blending in along with the surroundings in the sea. “This may explain why they’re such good problem solvers,” Clifton Ragsdale, a neurobiologist at the University of Chicago unaffiliated with the paper, told Scientific American. In Most of the […]

3 mins read

USA celebrates World’s Health Day by fighting against depression

Every year, on April 7th, United Nation celebrates as the World Health Day. In collaboration with World health organisation (WHO), every year, UN fights bad health with a new theme. This year the theme for World’s health day was Depression. On and off depression, most of the Americans has been the victims of depression. But […]

3 mins read

Why hypertension is becoming a more common scenario of today?

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a serious issue to discuss. No one knows the real reasons behind high blood pressure, but they are life-threatening and can cost you your life. According to a recent study, 95% of the high blood pressure caused by the human have no identifiable reason behind it. Earlier scientists believed in […]