USA celebrates World’s Health Day by fighting against depression
Every year, on April 7th, United Nation celebrates as the World Health Day. In collaboration with World health organisation (WHO), every year, UN fights bad health with a new theme. This year the theme for World’s health day was Depression.
On and off depression, most of the Americans has been the victims of depression. But fighting against depression is a bigger job to do. Scientists already proved last year that almost two-third of Americans are the victims of obesity, back pain and cardiac arrest. Little was known as the cause of these diseases. However, after repeated researches, it finally broke out to the world.
Obesity has always been a problem in American. And even after repeated declaration of the obesity statistics, only fewer Americans has come up with a health care regime to fight against obesity. Scientists said that the main cause of obesity in America is due to bad eating and over drinking. Foods like pizza, burger, fries, creamy coffees and beverages like soda, martinis, alcohol beers etc are the cause of obesity and American is leading in junk food consumption which is high in both calories and simple carbohydrates. And this obesity problem is leading to depression in minds of Americans.
Another cause of depression is the load of work. Almost 70% of the Americans who work in corporate sectors are the victims of back pain. Heavy work hours with fewer minutes to walk to stand up is ultimately causing both obesity and back pain. And overload due o work is causing depression in every human.
However not only young or middle-aged Americans, there’s another age group who are constantly affected by back pain, cardiac arrest and depression; the senior citizen group. It has been seen that More than 70% of aged couples live alone in America. Least people they have around them, to talk or laugh with. Moreover, ageing also causes Dementia in adults which create an unknown pressure on the brain. Researchers have claimed that lonely, dementia in aged people are the reason for depression which in turn results in Cardiac Arrest and ultimately death to life.
This World’s health Day, UN in association with WHO dedicated it to fight against depression. Depression is causing the companies a loss of $5,524 per working person each day in America because employees in depression also attend their office hours but become least productive of their works.
The data have shown that 0.5% GDP decreases every year due to depression in America. Employers often don’t think about the impact of depression until there is an office event that brings it to their attention, said Theresa Nguyen, the vice president of policy and programs at Mental Health America (MHA), a nonprofit based in Alexandria, Va. She said workers who feel they may be depressed should reach out to friends and family and mental health professionals for help as soon as they can.
Dorie Clark on this World’s health day said that it may actually benefit employees who are struggling and performing poorly because of depression to bring that up with their employer, who may be able to provide support. It may also be helpful to frame the conversation as a discussion of how the employee is planning to take action and work through the temporary situation, she added. “You can explain the full context,” she said. “If other people are guessing or if they have to somehow force you into disclosing something, it’s much worse.”