22 Feb, 2025
3 mins read

Why modern Indian women lack control on her reproductive health?

No nation is a developed nation until women empowerment is successfully stabilised in the nation. Considering a developing nation like India, where modernisation has started to take place and women are slowly given their rights to live and love, still modern Indian women lacks control on her own reproductive health. Why? This International Women’s Day, […]

2 mins read

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef can soon damage its existence

Scientists are of the opinion that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is continuously bleaching off its coral reef for two years consecutively. The bleaching initiated last year, but the phenomenon is still proceeding and shows no sign of stopping. How coral bleaching occurs? Coral bleaching can be termed as a phenomenon caused due to pollution. When […]

3 mins read

Mars explorers boast high risk of Leukaemia, warns new study

After conducting a lot of studies on how travelling in space is making an impact on the health of the astronauts, scientists have found out that, intense radiations bulging out in space, on the human body are a serious threat to human life. It can cause Leukaemia in Astronauts. While studying three years long space flight […]

3 mins read

Europe under serious climate change impacts

According to recent polls, Donal Trump has initiated to charge penalties on citizens who are not supporting the Paris climate deal. Europe is already under a serious climate change impact. What’s next? A large number of citizens from four major European nations are on a thought that climate change impacts like severe flood, global warming […]

2 mins read

Prolonged Exposure to Work-Related Tension May Cause Cancer in Men: Study

Men, be alert! Taking excess stress in the workplace may cause cancer, warns a new medical trial. Work-related stresses among the employees are quite casual. But prolonged exposure to work-related tensions may cause some serious health issues like cancer, warned a recently conducted study. However, the risks of cancer, triggered by work-related stresses are higher […]

2 mins read

Use of Tablet Computers Can Curtail Agitation among Dementia Patients: Study

A new medical trial has come up with some positive news for the patients suffering from Dementia. As per the research, conducted by a researcher from the McLean Hospital, use of computer tablets has promising factors for restricting the Agitation symptoms among the patients having Dementia. Simply saying, the use of tablet computers can restrain […]

2 mins read

Hating Music? You May Have Poor Brain Connectivity, Study Suggests

There are many people in the world who extremely dislike music. While liking and disliking music previously believed to be a matter of personal choice, a recently conducted study has raised questions over this belief. The latest research, mutually conducted by the researchers of the University of Barcelona in Spain and the Montreal Neurological Institute […]

2 mins read

Don’t take your cell phone inside hospital or ICU, It can infect patients: Scientists

Cell phones have become an inseparable part of our lives. Isn’t true? But taking it everywhere can hamper other wellness. A group of international scientists recently has published a clinical trial paper, which warns about the infectivity of the cell phones on patients. As per the study, taking mobile phone inside a healthcare facility or […]