04 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

Autonomous Benthic Rover sets new world record for covering longest distance and survival period beneath the ocean

An independent and computerized seafloor sycophant has created a new world record for covering the longest traveled distance and survival period below the sea. The Benthic Rover, which is designed and deployed to monitor climatic patterns and collect other data since 2009, has set a new world record by traveling the longest distance and sustaining […]

2 mins read

Scientists concoct most heat resistant material that endures 40000-degree Celsius

In a breakthrough, a group of scientists has found a ground-breaking material that can bear up the highest degree of temperature. The group from Imperial College London at the United Kingdom has built up a notable and most astounding warmth resistance material that can withstand the temperature of about 40000-degree Celsius with much effectiveness. This […]

2 mins read

ISS is detectable from Mumbai’s night skies: Here are 8 things everyone should know

NASA’s biggest habitable artificial satellite – International Space Station (ISS) these days is visible from the night skies of Mumbai. As declared by NASA, ISS is visible through naked eyes in the skies of Mumbai, from yesterday and the optical phenomenon will go for two more days. The first preview of ISS, while crossing Earth’s […]

2 mins read

Science Wonder: Scientists Formulate Sun-Powered Artificial Leaf for Drugs Manufacturing

Formulating and manufacturing life-saving ‘Drug’ is a matter of big factories and million dollars worth of instruments. But now, a group of researchers has developed a more convenient and easy way to manufacture medicines anytime and anywhere. Scientists from the Netherlands have invented a competent and powerful, yet simple method which can act as mini-factory […]

2 mins read

Ecological honor to Barak Obama: New Coral-Reef Fish Species is named as “Tosanoides Obama”

A new species of fish discovered from Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, located at the United States of America is named in the honor of former president of USA, Mr. Barak Obama. When scientists first discovered this new fish creature, they were shocked to find a distinctive and multicolored mark near the tail of the fish. […]

2 mins read

Winter Solstice 2016 prevails today: Here’s everything you need to know

The astronomical phenomenon – winter solstice or otherwise called hibernal solstice is going to happen today, on 21st December. Today is the day which will mark the shortest day and the longest night of 2016. Astronomical winter will turn up at 5:44 am, on Wednesday morning and the temperature during this time, will be in […]

2 mins read

Scientists urge for commercialization of Hydroelectricity for cheaper source of electrical energy

It has been multiple decades to the invention of hydroelectricity. But till now, the complete commercialization of the innovation is far-flung from the market. A top scientist from National Physical Laboratory of India (ICSR), in a press meet, has urged the industry leaders to step forward for taking the concept of electricity-from-water forward for generating […]

2 mins read

Ancient footprints of our ancestors suggest they were extremely tall

Ancient human beings are likely to have a royal figure with at least 5.5-feet tall, 45kg weight, and a harem – scientists have discovered during a research. This is the figure what our ancestors used to have before some 3.7 million years ago. The question – “how our ancestors look like” is still subjective to […]

2 mins read

A Massive ‘Dead Zone’ Detected In Bay of Bengal is Likely To Shook Up Aquatic Lives

“Dead Zones”, which are usually found off the western coastal of North and South America, Namibia and off the West shoreline of India in the Arabian Sea, is recently discovered in the Bay of Bengal, spreading over thousands of kilometers. A group of Indian scientists recently have spotted the Bay of Bengal to host a […]