24 Jan, 2025
3 mins read

President Donald Trump’s budget can deteriorate Earth’s education cost

President Donald Trump recently unveiled his new budget for the year 2017. His budget seems to focus more on NASA’s development. He made a clear cut budget for NASA to shift its focus from Earth to outer space. However, it is not sure, where he wants to lead NASA’s vision. President Donald Trump’s new budget […]

3 mins read

Trump’s new take on NASA’s Moon mission, private firms involved

Did you remember the time when all space news and Moon mission was only dominated by NASA? Monopoly ruled the space field until new space research centres came into existence. Donal Trump also might look into the equal rights of private space agencies. Early Moon mission was only made possible by NASA. But with time […]

3 mins read

Trump’s involvement in climate change report

The USA is quite shaken up by the unwanted climatic change that is occurring nowadays. Every day headline of USA time news has shifted their focus on climate change in the USA. However, after noticing President Donald Trump’s leaning involvement in UCSD reports, the officials are worried that Trump may soon involve his rules into climate changes. Hence, […]

3 mins read

Now you can store all your data in one single atom- IBM shows how

The tough quest to store big data in tinier and tinier storage, scientists have developed lot many things which have amused us so far. Recently, IBM scientists found out a way to store all data in one single atom. Yes, exactly, just one single atom. Let’s know from IBM itself, how they have managed to […]

2 mins read

Saturn’s Ring : tiniest Moon looks like a space ravioli

Out of Saturn’s 53 confirmed Moons, the Moo named as Pan has a distorted shape. The new picture by NASA confirms its shape. Long ago astronomers found out that Saturn has a tiny Moon which looks like a distorted walnut or pasta. Different pictures were taken to research the distorted shape of this Moon. Astronomers […]

3 mins read

Scott Pruitt’s new take on global warming made citizens angry

Environmental Protection Agency chief, Scott Pruitt, in an interview with the media house said that carbon dioxide is not the primary cause global warming, hearing which citizen rose to anger. Scott Pruitt is an environmentalist and strongly disagrees the fact that carbon dioxide is alone blamed for global warming. According to Scott Pruitt, not carbon […]

3 mins read

Why hypertension is becoming a more common scenario of today?

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a serious issue to discuss. No one knows the real reasons behind high blood pressure, but they are life-threatening and can cost you your life. According to a recent study, 95% of the high blood pressure caused by the human have no identifiable reason behind it. Earlier scientists believed in […]

3 mins read

Chandrayaan-1 returns to work- found orbiting around the Moon

In 2008, Space satellite organiser, ISRO launched Chandrayaan-1, the first unmanned space satellite of India. But it was considered lost in August 2009, as it stopped responding. Recently, NASA scientists have found out that Chandrayaan-1 is still orbiting the Moon. It came to a great surprise for the ISRO scientists when news from NASA landed […]

3 mins read

Why modern Indian women lack control on her reproductive health?

No nation is a developed nation until women empowerment is successfully stabilised in the nation. Considering a developing nation like India, where modernisation has started to take place and women are slowly given their rights to live and love, still modern Indian women lacks control on her own reproductive health. Why? This International Women’s Day, […]