29 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

An Indo-American Student Figures out an Economical Way for Making Saltwater Drinkable

The crisis of water is one of the most somber setbacks; the current society is facing today. However, soon, scientists will be able to address the concerns of the shortage of drinking water, thanks to the Indo-American youngster Chaitanya Karamchedu. The mission, which was started as an experimental project, now has emerged as a path-breaking […]

2 mins read

Underwater Robot Spot a Multicolored World under Antarctica’s Sea Ice

A video captured by a remote-control camera has shown a stunning marine community below the freezing ice sheets of Antarctica Ocean, a discovery which can lead researcher towards a more revealing world of marine life. Australian researchers, during the wake of introducing an underwater robot, have captured an exclusive and surprising video footage of a […]

2 mins read

Two-billion-years-old water unearthed in Kidd Creek Mine will tell us about ancient life

Following the unearthing of 1.5 billion-year-old water source in Canada three years back, a group of geoscientists from Canada has discovered world’s oldest water in a mining sight of Canada. A group of geoscientists from the University Of Toronto, Canada, while carrying out a project in Kidd Creek Mine has found world’s oldest water source […]

2 mins read

Warm Ocean Causing Antarctic’s Ice glacial to Liquefy at an Alarming Rate

Totten Glacier, which is one of the world’s largest glaciers located in East Antarctica, is being affected by the intense impacts of climate change and hence draining at a faster pace, a research report revealed. As per the survey reports of an international group of scientists from the United States and Australia, an ocean of […]