07 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

See Pic: Alien hunters find three UFO flying near ISS in NASA live footage

In an astonishing find, alien hunters have discovered three Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) flying near International Space Station which suggests that Earth might not be the only place in the universe to possess life and alien life might exist on some distant planet. Alien seekers were watching the NASA live feed when they spotted three […]

2 mins read

See Pic: NASA Cassini shots stunning images while diving between Saturn and its Rings

The US space agency’s Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn is in its final stages of its career that lasted more than a decade. The spacecraft has mesmerized sky gazers and space enthusiasts by sending astonishing images of the most beautiful planet of our solar system. Cassini has revealed a lot about Saturn and its rings. The latest […]

2 mins read

NASA Team Publishes Profile of “219 Aspirant Planets” Discovered By Kepler Space Telescope

NASA’s iconic Kepler Space Telescope, which has been there in an Earth-trailing heliocentric orbit since March 7, 2009, and keeping an eye on the celestial activities for discovering the potential Earth-sized planets, has successfully managed to track down “219 Aspirant Planets” and a team of astronomers from NASA has detailed about the potentiality of those […]

3 mins read

Possibility of life on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

NASA’s project, Cassini Telescope is solely dedicated to fid out happenings of Saturn and its Moons. Recently, Cassini is totally engrossed in finding more about Saturn’s sixth largest Moon Enceladus. Enceladus is the icy Moon of Saturn. In a new research, it has been observed that the cracks from the icy shells are illuminating vapours which […]

3 mins read

Warm Neptune forms watery structures, indicating exoplanet formation

The distant planet warm Neptune is observed to form a distant exoplanet which is situated 437 light years away from the planet and is capable of shredding lights to the stars in different ways. Often called as HAP-P-26b or warm Neptune by the astronomers is observed to contain a primitive environment with remains of hydrogen […]

2 mins read

SpaceX’s Falcon heavy rocket gets a brand new satellite

Recently, SpaceX bagged the rocket science of the country with a development of a new milestone with technology which is in the next generation. The powerful Falcon Heavy Rocket is scheduled to take off its flight for the first time in next few months. The powerhouse communication satellite which is owned by Inmarsat is fueled […]

2 mins read

Stephen Hawking’s shocking prediction on Earth’s lifeline

Over the years a lot has been said and heard about the history of the evolution fo Earth, how it started affording an environment for human life, how civilisations started and modernisation happened and when is Earth going to end. Remember all those predictions of 2012 when Earth was supposed to burst out due to […]