29 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

China Proscribes Open-Air Straw Burning in Northern Tianjin to Control Pollution

Chinese Government is aggressively moving towards the reduction of pollution in the nation and in a new breakthrough, Chinese Federal has outlawed the outdoor burning of straws in one of its major province. As per the official advertisement, released by Chinese Government, from March this year, the outdoor straw burning will be completely banned from […]

2 mins read

China Put Its First Hack-Proof Quantum Communication Satellite into Service 

After going through months of the in-orbit trial, world’s first hack-proof communication satellite has become operational on Wednesday. China launched the first-ever space-ground test platform on 16th August and after completing its 4 months trial period, the Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS), nicknamed as Micius became operational. As per the announcements made by the […]

2 mins read

China to Put Up World’s Highest-Altitude Gravitational Wave Telescope in Tibet By 2021   

China is soon to add a new celebrated folio to its existing space exploration missions, as the country is gearing up for introducing sky-high altitude gravitational wave telescopes in Tibet. According to the announcement made by an official of National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, The soon-to-be-employed altitude telescopes will be world’s […]

2 mins read

China Successfully Launches Telecommunication Spacecraft Tongxin Jishu Shiyan Weixing (TJSW)-2

After 6 days of New Year 2017 striking the clock, China has commenced its fresh space campaign with the successful launch of a new telecommunication spacecraft on Thursday. Yesterday, on 5th January 2017, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) successfully set its second Tongxin Jishu Shiyan Weixing (TJSW) spacecraft in motion from the Xichang Satellite […]

2 mins read

China’s Long March 2D Rocket Places Duet of Superview-1 Satellite into Wrong Orbit

China’s duo of high-resolution Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Satellite Superview-1 took off from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre, Shanxi Province. The duet of satellites called ‘SuperView-1 01’ and ‘SuperView-1 02’ were blasted off on 28th December, at 03:23 UTC (11:23 am) from the LC9 launch complex on a Long March 2D rocket. Initially, the mission was declared […]

2 mins read

Twist in Lunar Mission: ISRO’s PSLV to launch two rovers from India and China in 2017

The global space industry is going to witness a first-of-its-kind lunar mission in the late of December 2017, when Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will launch two separate and rivalry rovers to Moon under a single mission. The Lunar mission that is scheduled for the late of December 2017 or the early of January 2018 […]

2 mins read

China kicks off its first carbon dioxide detection satellite ‘TanSat’ today

In order to detect and monitor the emission and impact of carbon dioxide, China, has successfully launch its first minisatellite to space. Today, on 22nd December 2016, China’s first-of-its-kind global carbon dioxide detection and monitoring space probe took off from the ground-based launcher in order to understand the changes in climatic patterns. The satellite named […]