25 Jan, 2025
3 mins read

Possibility of life on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

NASA’s project, Cassini Telescope is solely dedicated to fid out happenings of Saturn and its Moons. Recently, Cassini is totally engrossed in finding more about Saturn’s sixth largest Moon Enceladus. Enceladus is the icy Moon of Saturn. In a new research, it has been observed that the cracks from the icy shells are illuminating vapours which […]

3 mins read

Warm Neptune forms watery structures, indicating exoplanet formation

The distant planet warm Neptune is observed to form a distant exoplanet which is situated 437 light years away from the planet and is capable of shredding lights to the stars in different ways. Often called as HAP-P-26b or warm Neptune by the astronomers is observed to contain a primitive environment with remains of hydrogen […]

2 mins read

A blood shredded dead body of a living species found in Indonesia

Recently, a massive shaped dead body of nobody knows what washed the shores of Indonesia’s Island of Seram. This water body has always been a mysterious one. The unusual disappearance of Barunda triangle, the unknowing growth of Baltic sea and now this, the sudden appearance of a dead body. Some are assuming this to be […]

3 mins read

The infant Dinosaur Baby Louie finally bags a name for itself

Remember 1996 when the National Geographic channel made the little dinosaur infant, Baby Louie a 66 million years old child star of the world? Yes, we all do and today we will tell how baby Louie finally got a name for its existence on Earth. The May cover of National Geographic magazine is designed with […]

2 mins read

SpaceX’s Falcon heavy rocket gets a brand new satellite

Recently, SpaceX bagged the rocket science of the country with a development of a new milestone with technology which is in the next generation. The powerful Falcon Heavy Rocket is scheduled to take off its flight for the first time in next few months. The powerhouse communication satellite which is owned by Inmarsat is fueled […]

3 mins read

New dinosaur fossils called ankylosaur found in Montana, Canada

  During a fossil excavation session in Montana, Canada, the scientist suddenly came across new fossils of Ankylosaur while excavation the caves in search for new fossils. Initially, the scientists came across the ankylosaur tail after which they continued excavating the mug for more fossils. About the research team: A group of scientists and anthropologists […]

2 mins read

Stephen Hawking’s shocking prediction on Earth’s lifeline

Over the years a lot has been said and heard about the history of the evolution fo Earth, how it started affording an environment for human life, how civilisations started and modernisation happened and when is Earth going to end. Remember all those predictions of 2012 when Earth was supposed to burst out due to […]

3 mins read

Ancient skeleton of human’s cousin got unveiled

A strange new skeleton of a new kind of species called homo Naledi was found unveiled on the grounds of South Africa. Almost two years ago the excavation was started which finally brought some results. Scientists say that they have similar features to both gorilla and modern species human. A brief on Homo Naledi: Homo Naledi […]

3 mins read

NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover studies Mars’ dark liner dunes

NASA’s Mars curiosity Rover was studying the dark liner sand dunes on Mars surface for over 16 weeks. Finally, with some evidence in hand, the curiosity Rover have sent some extraordinary photos of these Sand dunes to NASa’s headquarters. Let’s see what scientists have to say about this. Initially, NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover was constructed […]