16 Jun, 2024
2 mins read

New theory on the formation of the universe: Bubble Theory

It has been many years, and till now the scientists have not able to give an exact definition which can clearly state the process of formation of the universe. Scientists have been made many significant discoveries to know about the origin of the universe, but they are still unsure about it. There are many theories […]

4 mins read

Two world changing events in 2018 prophesied by blind woman who foretold ISIS,9/11,Brexit

The year 2018 has been marked by famous blind mystic Baba Vanga for major changes to change the course of future of the blue planet and its economy. She is the same lady who predicted the occurrence of 9/11, the rise of terror by ISIS, the Boxing day tsunami along with the Brexit tragedy. More […]

3 mins read

Amazon forest’s golden-crowned manikins are rare evolved hybrids, say scientists

In an astonishing find, scientists have discovered a unique type of bird species from the Amazon forest. The birds are called golden-crowned manikins, and as per the scientists, these are the first ever avian species known to have originated from the hybrid offspring of two other living species. The scientists further informed that this golden-crowned […]

2 mins read

‘Ball of light’ A meteor or was a alien spacecraft spotted over the sky of England

After many suspicious activities, this year here’s one more event is witnessed by the people of England. An object reported being a meteor streaked across the sky early Tuesday by lighting up the sky as wells as the social media. Still, this event hasn’t been confirmed by the Meteor Society but recorded by a webcam […]

2 mins read

Earth is a hollow sphere and Aliens, Nazis, Vikings live beneath the planet

The year 2017 has been a weird year overall if we pay attention to science, technology, space or politics too. You have probably noticed unusual events now here comes one more puzzle, according to the latest conspiracy theory about our planet. Now the theorists have some vulnerable reasons that will let you believe in the […]

2 mins read

Astronauts at the ISS celebrate Christmas with unwrapping gifts and a special meal

On the eve of Christmas, we all celebrated the day with lots of fun, exchange of gifts and eating delicious meals. According to the latest reports, the astronauts at the International Space Station ISS are not far behind the people on Earth as far as Christmas day celebrations are concerned. The Expedition 54 members of […]

3 mins read

Bow Waves in Earth’s atmosphere found during the American solar eclipse 2017

During the Great American Eclipse in August 2017, the scientists have discovered some strange thing which looks like a boat. It was like a ship floating on an ocean. That thing was detected in the ionosphere by the researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Tromso in Norway. Well, the scientists […]