06 Feb, 2025
4 mins read

Proof of Aliens? Alien hunter spots UFO resting inside a lunar crater (Video+)

A new video has popped up on the Internet sparking conspiracy that there is an alien life on the lunar surface. The YouTube channel named StreetCap1 which is notoriously known for uploading images and videos showing anomalies in the lunar surface has uploaded a new video that shows a saucer-like structure inside a crater on […]

4 mins read

Heat waves is damaging the diverse variety of coral reefs at the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Several types of research have been conducted to ascertain the extent of damage made by increasing water temperature and bleaching events, As per a new study, The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia which has been subjected to bleaching has seen two of such events in just two years which have sparked widespread […]

3 mins read

Extensive research on Yellowstone supervolcano reveals transition zone and inner working of a volcano

Yellowstone Supervolcano which last erupted about 630,000 years ago is still an intriguing subject for researchers worldwide. Many researchers have been conducted which has gleaned results about its turbulent history. The supervolcano that last erupted more than half a million years ago is nowhere even near to erupt in our lifetimes but researchers are more […]

3 mins read

Jesus Christ is an extraterrestrial being from Venus, claims a spiritual society “The Aetherius”

Do you know Jesus Christ was from Venus? Well, at least there is a group of spiritual society which believes that Jesus was an extraterrestrial being born and brought on Venus and thus, he bestowed his blessings when stepping on the Earth. As per “The Aetherius”, a growing religion that was established in the late […]

3 mins read

SpaceX is one step closer towards its new facility at the port of Los Angeles where it will build BFR

SpaceX is one step closer to its ambitious spaceship facility at the Port of Los Angeles. Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX envisioned a facility that will be used to build rockets and spaceships towards Mars by 2022 and therefore, the private space company submitted a 10-year lease with two renewal proposal to the council […]

4 mins read

Astronomers detects asteroid 2018 GE3 that made a ‘surprise’ flyby close to the Earth

On Sunday, April 15, a massive football field-sized space stone passed near the Earth at just half of the distance between the moon and the Earth. Named as 2018 GE3, the asteroid was detected on April 14 by the Catalina Sky Survey just a few hours before it could zip past near the Earth. Per […]

3 mins read

Get bedazzled with Lyrids meteor shower in dark night sky till April 25

Get ready to bedazzled before the annual Lyrid meteor shower which starts April 16 through April 25. Lyrids meteor shower is known as the oldest and brightest recorded meteor shower clearly visible at the dark night sky with trails of light visible for few seconds. The Lyrids meteor shower will be active between April 16 […]

5 mins read

Coffee can cause cancer and packets should contain scary cancer warnings, California Judge

Can Coffee cause cancer? California judge believes so and has passed a judgment for coffee sellers to post scary cancer warnings on the packets similar to cigarette packs. Previous studies have found no evidence of interrelation between coffee and cancer, in fact, some studies have found that cancer lowers the cancer risk by 14 percent in […]