25 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

Two Big Objects of Space Junk safely Past each other in Near-Miss

On 15th of October, Thursday evening, two large pieces of orbital debris and a defunct Soviet navigation satellite and a Chinese rocket body spent whizzed safely in the past each other high over the South Atlantic Ocean. The two defunct satellites, the infrared Astronomical Satellite, is the one, and the other is Gravity Gradient Stabilization […]

3 mins read

An asteroid just made a close approach towards the Earth; Is it possible to avoid an asteroid collision?

There are billions of asteroids in our solar system. NASA tracks those objects which are a potential threat to the Earth and are classified as Near Earth Objects (NEO). Just recently, an asteroid (named 2010 WC9) with a diameter of 60 to 130 meters zoomed past the Earth at a staggering velocity of 12.8 kilometers […]

3 mins read

Breakthrough of 2017: What happens after neuron star collision stun scientists!

On August 17, 2017, the LIGO team got hold of the first ever gravitational waves coming out from a distant neutron star merger. It was for the first time that the scientists were able to see the ripples in the fabric of space-time as well as the light coming out from the collision of the […]

2 mins read

NASA’s spacecraft avoided massive collision with Moon’s probe

NASA’s spacecraft, Mars orbiting- MAVEN, in a recent rare event was planned to perform an avoid in turn in the head-on collision with Moon’s probe. This unique event is named as crater-filled Moon Phobos. The Mars Atmosphere and the Volatile Evolution, together known as MAVEN spacecraft of NASA has been continuously orbiting Mars.It is just […]

3 mins read

Collision of Moon and Earth Will Turn the Planet into an Ocean of Magma

For now, the only natural satellite of Earth – the Moon is turning away from the planet at a variable speed of 3.8 centimetres per year. But soon the scenario is going to change, as scientists are expecting both celestial bodies to collide with each other someday, resulting in the complete destruction of earth. According […]

2 mins read

Chunks of Failed Planet Might Have Disfigured Earth: Astronomers Suggest

Some 4 million years ago, Earth, Sun, Moon, and the entire solar system were assaulted by a suite of asteroid attackers. At that time, the planetary system was juvenile and uncultivated, and the attack of the asteroid assailants pummeled the entire cosmological system. Since long, it has been assumed that the assault was mainly caused […]

2 mins read

We Are Residing On Miscellanies of One Supermassive Solar-System Crash That Occurred 460 Million Years Ago

Nearly 40 million years ago, a titanic crash of solar system took place, whose remnants are still found on the earth, claimed the researchers of The Field Museum in Chicago. As per the new study, the solar-system collision was one of the biggest celestial collisions, whose residue meteorites are still presented on the earth. Most […]