‘Mars Ice Home’: NASA Proposes Blueprint of Abode for Potential Mars Explorers
As the prospects for the Mars Landing Project of NASA is coming closer, the scientists of the US-based Space agency are now busy in designing the blueprints for the residential address for the future explorers of the Red Planet. As the outcome of a winning research and innovative idea, the astronomers and scientists at NASA’s Langley Research Center have come up with a revolutionary and practical solution that can give the potential Mars Explorers a safe and sound home in Martian Planet.
The proposed plan called “Mars Ice Home” has come up with a scheme of creating a safe dwell from ice in Red Planet, which will safeguard the astronauts and inhabitants from intense external hotness and the extreme filtration of cosmic radiation through the thin atmosphere of Mars. In the blueprint, the scientists of NASA have given a description of a torus, big, and hot-air balloon inner tube, ruled with a shield of water ice. In the scheme, the scientists described the structure as a model of lightweight and incorporative to the materials of Mars. Additionally, the water ice, which is added with the aim to defend against the cosmic rays of the Red Planet, can also be reused as rocket energy for the Mars Ascent Lander.
However, the suggested design of the ‘Mars Ice Home’ is also carrying some major drawbacks like its long-term designing requirement. The experts engaged in the extraction of Martian resource say the onboard astronauts will take minimum 400 days to fill the shell with enough ice water directly from the planet.
Moreover, the specialists also revealed that robots could blow up and force the shelter while the astronauts are on the way to Mars. The emission of the water shielding might allow the cover to existing in the mid-air; obviating the requirement to excavate a deep enough place to defend the inhabitants of the shelter from the dangerous cosmic rays of Mars. As the suggestion for Mars Ice Home is currently in its primitive stage, the expert designers and engineers of NAS alongside the astronauts from other nations may enhance its capability and efficiency to meet up the tough challenges of the future Martian Explorer Missions.