26 Jun, 2024
3 mins read

Wastewater injection depth and Oklahoma earthquakes could be linked: suggests study

Yet another earthquake of 2.8 magnitude hit Alva on 28th January which is located about 31 kilometers from Oklahoma. In the recent years, Oklahoma and adjoining areas have seen a rise in the frequency of earthquakes and scientists estimate this is because of the wastewater injection wells that are spread all over the area. Oklahoma […]

3 mins read

NASA finds largest dinosaur tracks at its own backward that can change our knowledge of prehistoric era

NASA has always been known to be an expert in space exploration, but recently the agency has expanded its domain with the latest discovery of the feeding ground of dinosaurs near D.C. This wonder happened by a significant coincidence. It was during the 2012 summer when Ray Stanford, a fossil expert discovered an unusual feature […]

3 mins read

Earth’s magnetic poles can switch in future with severe consequences, ESA scientists warn

In a term of just 200 years, the magnetic field of Earth has shown a decline by 15 percent and is gradually declining further as each day passes. Scientists have been worried whether this rapid decline could be followed by a flip which could expose us to the devastating radiations from space. These observations have […]

3 mins read

Scientists teach Killer whales to say “Hello” and “Bye Bye” similar to human speech

[mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#dbdbdb” txt_color=”#000000″]Beluga whales use their nasal cavities to emit the sounds while the Indian elephant named Koshik used its trunk while being jammed in the mouth to produce words from Korean dialect that included “No”, “Sit down” and “Hello”.[/mks_pullquote] The Orcas whales have the capability of mimicking the human voice, reveals […]

2 mins read

Artificial Intelligence used to decode mysteries of the Voynich Manuscript

Voynich Manuscript is dubbed as one of the most mysterious books, for the reason al 240 pages of the book are incredibly varied in subjects and contains weird images. Ranging from pictures of dozens of naked women, along with some men, in interconnected water bodies; various plants, of which many are completely unknown and astronomical diagrams, only […]

2 mins read

Advanced stone tools from India to change human evolution timeline

About 300,000 years prior today, the ancestors of present-day humans started modifying the way they used to hunt with the use of small and sharp tools that were created by the use of flakes of stones with a technique known as Levallois. The latest study into the stone tools extracted from a particular site located […]

2 mins read

“It came and mesmerized us”: The view of ‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ on Wednesday

The night sky yesterday was lit with the coppery red moon that was really big, brightly lit and a blue moon. This has been the very first time in a span of thirty five years that three different events have synced together to form a phenomenon named ‘Super Blue Blood Moon’. The moon was termed […]