30 Mar, 2025
2 mins read

Minor Glitch in New Horizons Spacecraft Tuned Up and Now Operating Healthily: NASA

After the troubleshoot of the minor technical glitch, New Horizons – the first space probe dedicated to the exploration mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt is now healthy and moving smoothly heading for its next mission, confirmed NASA in an official statement on Thursday.  After spending more than 24 hours in a shielding “safe […]

2 mins read

After Pluto, New Horizon Spacecraft to Explore Tiny Kuiper Belt Object (KBO)

NASA’s New Horizon Spacecraft, which was deployed for observing and exploring the dwarf planet Pluto, is now moving beyond the planet for a new advantageous mission – exploring a small Kuiper Belt object (KBO), dubbed as 2014 MU69. In its lifetime, the spaceship has delivered NASA with the wealth of information regarding the last planet […]

2 mins read

NASA’s New Horizons Spaceship Is Moving Ahead Of Pluto; More Discoveries Expected

Almost two years after monitoring and encountering with the last planet of the planetary system – Pluto, the New Horizons spacecraft is gearing up for moving beyond the planet for more adventurous discoveries. As per the programs of NASA, the next big adventure of the New Horizon will be to fly by the icy fringes […]

2 mins read

NASA Describes Its Incredible Voyage from Earth to Pluto in a Spectacular Video

NASA, the US-based space agency knows how to soar the temperature in the space industry! With interval launches of images and teaser videos of different space missions, NASA has been giving the space enthusiasts some glimpses of the world beyond earth and the recent addition to this line-up is a colorful video on Pluto. NASA […]

2 mins read

International scientists spot Earth-like snow and ice formations called ‘Penitentes’ on Pluto

A group of international scientists, for the first time, detect the existence of earth-like snow and ice formation on the dwarf planet Pluto. The scientists, by merging a model akin to what meteorologists employ to predict climate reports with a computer reproduction of the physics of dispersing ices, have successfully discovered the solid evidence of […]