NASA successfully develops first of its kind “Cosmic Particle Accelerator”
The astronomers of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), during a ground-breaking breakthrough, have successfully developed stunning Cosmic Particle Accelerator. By merging the telescopic images of supermassive black holes with the colliding galaxy clusters, the scientists of NASA have formulated first-of-its-kind Cosmic Particle Accelerator.
The images of the colliding galaxy clusters called Abell 3411 and Abell 3412 was captured by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, which later mingled with the telescopic pictures of the supermassive black holes to find out the results of the mingle. Surprisingly, the astronauts, by conducting the merging project, found conclusion as a “stupendous cosmic particle accelerator”.
As said by NASA, the two colossal crushing galaxy clusters Abell 3411 and Abell 3412 weigh up around one quadrillion times than the mass of the Sun. Both are located about two billion light years from Earth. NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, which is currently busy in exploring the activities of the galaxies and planetary system, has captured the images of these two colliding massive galaxy clusters, which later merged with the telescopic supermassive black holes, in order to create cosmic particle accelerator.
According to Reinout Van Weeren, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts and the lead author of the study, “We have seen and monitored each of these stunning observable facts individually in many places. But this is for the first time, that we have noticed a clear and eye-catching connection between both phenomena in the same galaxy.”
This discovery published in the journal Nature Astronomy has solved a very old anonymity in galaxy cluster which revolved around the origin of striking whirls of radio emission.
As said by NASA, the optical information identified in at least one revolving supermassive black hole which delivered a pivoting, firmly twisted, and magnetic cone-shaped tool in one of the galaxy clusters.
Taking the statement further, NASA added, “The capable electromagnetic fields connected with this immediately moved a portion of the gas far from the territory of the black holes as an active and rapid stream. These particles were quickened again when they were hit with huge stun waves delivered by the impact of the gigantic gas mists connected with the galaxy clusters”.
Commenting on this matter, the co-author of the study, Felipe Andrade-Santos said, “The phenomena is almost like blasting off a rocket into the low-Earth course and then inject it out of the Solar System by a succeeding rocket explosion.”