Research says Mini Ice age could hit the UK by 2030
According to scientists they have carried researches and found out that the UK could experience a mini ice age condition by 2030 emerging in frozen rivers becoming a common view. Scientists have estimated by applying the mathematical model of the Sun’s magnetic energy, that the river Thames will freeze within two decades.
Professor Valentina Zharkova at Northumbria led a team built on work from Moscow to predict the movements of two magnetic waves produced by the Sun. They predicted that rapidly decreasing magnetic waves for three solar cycles starting in 2021 and will last 33 years. Research explains that the Sun’s solar cycle is producing correct prophecies if irregularities within the Sun and carries the dynamo effect in two layers of the Sun, that is close to the surface, and one is deep within convection zone.
Zharkova claims last time that 97 percent accuracy for the model which links with previous mini ice ages, involving the Maunder period from 1645 to 1715 when frost fairs were held on the frozen Thames. She also warned that her mathematical research couldn’t be used as proof that there will be a mini ice age this time around due to global warming.
She continued that she believed the effect would override global warming, giving humankind and the Earth 30 years to sort out our pollution. They have to be sorted by that time and prepare everything on Earth for the next significant solar activity. She said that any downward effect on global warming would only last until the sun’s two magnetic waves become active again in 2050. The model predicts that the pair of waves become increasingly offset during cycle 25, which will reach its peak in 2022. During Cycle 26, which covers the decade from 2030-2040, the two waves will become precisely out of sync, and this will cause an essential reduction in solar activity.
Scientists spotted this 172 years earlier that the Sun’s activity varies over a cycle lasting around 10 to 12 years. Though every period is a little different and none of the models of causes to date has fluctuations.