Have Mineral water to get adequate amount of Calcium, studies say
A new research study conducted by a research team at the Leibniz University Hannover in the country of Germany, state that intake of mineral water can prove to be an effective way to gain calcium along with dairy products including milk.In fact, the research denotes that mineral water can act as an effective alternative that is low calorie in comparison to consuming milk or intake of supplements to fulfill the daily requiremnet of calsiumby the body. The research has been published in the American College of Nutrition’s Joyrnal.
The reserachers and study experst have gone through how well the human body can cinduct absorption of calcium from 5 very different products, which contain calcium in 300 mg quantities. The constituents also include 3 kinds of calcium rich milk, mineral water and supplement of calcium. Men and woemn in 21 numbers took part in the research study that presented the manner in which calcium from 5 differfent sources was absorpbed by the body was found to be no different. To add to that,it was also observed that the presence of various minerals in the waters was not found to have any implications in the absoroption of calcium.
In accordance to the Thersa Greupnar of Leibniz University Hannover,”Mineral water’s specific feature as a good source of calcium can be regarded as an alteranative to milk and other diary products that are free of calorie. In this era of fast increase in the number of obese and overweight people, it is crucial to minimise the intake of energy and promoting the alternatives so as to satisfy the demand for calcium other than various diary products such as milk that has high calorie.” The content of mineral on the water can be known by reading the label.