Increased levels of Air Pollution can result in you losing a decade from your life time.
Increased levels of air pollution can result in cutting the lifespan of human between 9 years to 11 years, approximately a decade more than most other estimates which had anticipated for only two years.
An increase in the levels of particles of air pollution by 10 micrograms every meter cube will result in the destruction of the population earlier by 10 years, as stated by a formula given by Professor Michael Skou Andersen of Aarhus University, Denmark.
Professor Anderson, in his research study, was trying to get a fixed ways to find out the implications of air pollution on the global economy, as he states that government will not take any action on the fossil fuels unless they find any monetary costs associated with premature deaths.
“Individuals who are willing for paying the price for the reduction of risks for premature death, provided we get a comprehension of the effects and the magnitudes of these risks,” stated Professor Anderson.
Anderson makes arguments that the researchers need to find a robust method for the determination of this financial implication on the global scale, as prevalent variations in the methodology trails the difference of the costs on a “wild” scale between the United States of America and the Europe.
The cost of losing someone close due to air pollution is thrice the rate in the United States of America, is estimated to be around $7.4 million.
In the continent of Europe, as the methodology is subjected to changes in expectancy of life on the presumption that most of the victims are at the age of seventies or eighties, it only finds them to lose one to two years of life with very fewer consequences regarding finances.