Eating Soaked Rice Can Taper Off Risks of Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer: Study
Syndromes like Heart Disease, Diabetes and Cancer are some of the most severe threat to general wellness, and in medical theory, there are many medicines prescribed for healing such set of symptoms. But do you know a standard method of cooking rice can help you combating these issues? Well, a newly conducted international study has found out a dynamic link between rice and some serious health concerns which are really first-of-its-kind.
The study, conducted by the researchers from the Queens University Belfast in England has found out that, eating soaked rice can help in trimming down the risks of serious health issues like Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Cancer. According to the research paper, the standard method of cooking rice – “simply steaming it in a pot with some water”, can make people more prone to severe syndromes including debates, cardiac problems and also melanoma.
The paper also highlights that rice grains have a number of chemicals, sourced from the manufacturing toxins and insect killers used in the soil and these venomous elements pollute the rice that, eventually endangered the wellbeing of millions of rice eater. The findings also disclosed that such risks of eating chemicals with rice could simply be avoided by soaking it.
According to the researchers, the level of toxins in the rice can be tapered off by marinating it in water overnight. By doing this, the altitude of toxin in rice, called arsenic can be trimmed down by 80%, revealed the study. The chemicals found in rice grains are found to be deeply connected to a range of severe health problems like cardiac syndrome, diabetes, and malignancy, as well as maturity issues in the body.
For defining the altered levels of arsenic, Andy Meharg, the lead author of the study and the professor of biological sciences at Queens University Belfast, tried three different methods of cooking rice.
In the first method, he took a ratio of one part rice to two parts water and “steamed out” water during cooking and found it to be quite ineffective for reducing the intensity of arsenic from the rice. Similarly, in the second step, he used one part of rice and five parts of water and washed off excessive water during the cooking process. In the end, he found the level of arsenic to be almost split fifty-fifty. In the third step, he tried cooking overnight-soaked rice, after which he found the arsenic level to go down by 80%.
The safest method of cooking rice hence is to soak it overnight, followed by the step of washing and rinsing it completely with clean water and boil it in a pan, highlighted the report. The experiment also suggests that cooking soaked rice is the finest method to condense the intensity of toxins and naturally-stirring chemicals in the rice.