Years of Bilingualism Makes People More Immune To Dementia: Study
People, who know two languages are more immune to dementia than the people who are acquainted with only one language, revealed a recently conducted research. The study, done by a group of researchers from Université de Montréal suggested that, if you are acquainted with two or more languages, possibilities are that you will have much stronger brain power in your older stage, in compared to those who missed it out. It means the people who know more than one language are more defensive and protected to Dementia, counter to the individuals who know one lingo.
A group of analysts from the Université de Montréal has established the theory, according to which, years of bilingualism boost up the chances of defending dementia in the later stage of life. Being bilingual influence the manner, how the brain conducts different tasks related to focusing on one single piece of information without becoming abstracted by other information. Acquaintance with more than one language makes the brain more competent and rich, who goes on till the older stage of life, said an associated researcher of the study.
Commenting on this matter, Dr. Ana Inés Ansaldo from the University of Montreal said, “After years of habitual practice of managing to interfere between two different languages, bilinguals become more expert in picking up relevant information and ignoring other distractible information that can divert them from conducting the task successfully. This, in other manners, makes the bilinguals more defensive to the brain disorders like dementia, counter to those who know only one.
To arrive at a particular conclusion, Ansaldo, and his associate team engrossed two different teams of senior citizens, one of monolinguals and second of bilinguals. During the study, the participants were asked to perform an assignment that drawn in concentrating on visual data and ignore spatial information.
During the process, the analysts thoroughly compared the interference between different brain locations and found that bilinguals’ brain recruited a tinier route that was apt for the necessary information, while monolinguals enlisted a bigger circuit with manifold connections.
It means the brains of the bilinguals are sharper, efficient, and economical, in contrast to the monolinguals. In the study paper, published in the Journal of Neurolinguistics, the researchers also highlight that brains of bilinguals are more operational at fending off the symptoms of cognitive aging or dementia.