Over 5000K Students Took UP Board Exams In February 2019
Reportedly, UPMSP (Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad) or Uttar Pradesh secondary and senior secondary education board is the largest examination board in the nation as per “number of candidates appearing.”
Like previous years, this year as well, combined in 10th and 12th class, a maximum number of students appeared in UP Board only. In details, UP Board high school exams are over on Thursday.
This is the first time when no student was caught cheating in high school cum inter exams. On the other hand, UPMSP Class 12th Social Science question paper was too easy to solve. Board’s high school examinations began on 7th February 2019.
On Thursday, 28th February 2019, along with Sanskrit subject test, exams are over. On the last day, 2065 students took the test and 160 were absent. While in 12th Class, approx 10,737 students appeared for Biology and 1137 students were absent.
In almost all the exam centres, along with CCTV cameras, voice recorders were also installed in session 2018-2019. While at many centres, even 2 cameras were installed in one single room.
All over the state, additional centre administrators were deployed to avoid unfair attempts. On each and every page of the Answer Sheet, roll number of the candidate was written. Following these steps, DIOS Satish Kumar Tiwari stated: “not a single cheating case has been observed throughout the high school annual examinations.”
For Hindi subject only, total 56,375 students were expected to take the exams. But, following such strict rules, only 51,957 took the test while remaining 4418 didn’t come to the exam centre.
Thus, a total of 7.84% of students didn’t take part in 10th Class Hindi Exams. District school inspector Satish Kumar also told that for High School and Intermediate Examinations, evaluations of answer sheets is expected from 8th March 2019 onwards at 6 centres.
Contrary to this, the Secondary Teachers Association has already started advertising regarding evaluation boycott following various demands related to strictness in UP Board 10th and 12th Class exams this year. Either in the second or third week of April 2019, UP Board Intermediate and High School annual written exam results are expected to be announced.
Roll number wise Results of UP Board will be published on both the official websites – upresults.nic.in and upmspresults.up.nic.in.
Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad secretary Neena Shrivastava affirmed that whatever the situation is, Board will try to finish Answer Sheets evaluation procedure in 15 days maximum.
Last Year, UP Board results for High School and Intermediate standards were announced on 29th April 2018 as per reports on https://ignou.guru/up-board-exam-center-list/
In which, for 10th class, 75.16% remained the pass percentage. In that, 78.81% and 72.27%, was the percentage for girls students and boys students respectively.
Just for the purpose of checking of Answer Sheets, a total of 231 exam centres has been set up. Moreover, 1.25 lakh teachers will be given the responsibility of fair and successful answer sheets evaluation.
For current session 2018-19, a graph of a number of absent candidates elevated following strict rules. Registration forms received for 10th and 12th standard UPMSP annual tests were 31,95,603 and 26,11,319 respectively.