Standard Procedures needs to be maintained for COVID Testing – Health Experts
The life of every individual has been severely hit by this deadly coronavirus. Many have lost their lives and even their jobs too. Families were running out of money and have been a testing phase of survival. Although the medicines for this COVID-19 virus were in its initial phase the complete cure is yet to be discovered.
As per the insights of health care experts, the testing kits and standardized procedures are needed to be strictly followed to control this contagious disease. The Central Government of India has issued the statement earlier regarding the price tags for each of the COVID-19 tests that are carried out on private hospitals.
The experts feel that compromising with the method of collecting samples and conducting tests will lead to a critical situation of increasing the spread. Dr. Salve, the associate professor from AIIMS has said that “Undergoing Quality Analysis during the COVID-19 lab tests is mandatory and the isolation of COVID affected patients should be done properly. Also, the private labs and hospitals should follow the price tags for conducting RT-PCR tests as finalized by our government”.

The Chairman of Shri Ganga Ram hospital, Dr. Byotra has mentioned that “Maintaining quality over COVID-19 tests should be monitored with utmost importance. The Government has to ensure the safety of healthcare workers, as they have direct exposure to that deadly virus. There is a chance of virus leakage if the equipment is of poor quality, the officials should take care of that as well”.
As per the latest update, India has registered 66K+ active cases with 816 fatalities across the country in the past 24 hours. With that, the total number of recovery cases is more than 6 Million from the overall count of 7.12 Million, and around 109K+ has lost their lives by this deadly coronavirus.
The healthcare professionals and experts have suggested the usage of Viral Transport Medium (VTM) tubes and kits to treat the patients, as these equipment are in-line with the prescribed standards of ICMR and USFDA. They also fear that using low standard kits will affect the lives of frontline line workers at a higher level. Hence, it’s a necessary protocol to use the high-quality protection and testing kits with strict parameters to get rid of this contagious virus.